--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> I've continued my TM Sidhi practice and added healing modalities 
> such as EFT tapping. I actually think TM helps me make wiser 
> decisions concerning such. 

No personal offense meant, but this is just priceless.

Can you imagine trying to explain to 99% percent of the
people on this planet what *either* the TM Sidhis *or*
EFT Tapping are, and while doing so using the phrase 
"wiser decisions" and keeping a straight face?  


Don't get me wrong. Both have their cadre of believers.
Both -- for all I know -- have benefit. But most people
on the planet are going to bag them as New Age Hooey and,
from the standpoint of real science, both are. 

But there's no accounting for belief, just as there is
no accounting for taste. It's as individual as there are
individuals, and that's the way it should be. 

I say, "Carry on with whatever delusions make you happy."

I say this to the scientists, too. :-)

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