--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2012, at 3:11 PM, "feste37" <feste37@...> wrote:
> > So Vaj moved from the unpleasant pedophile analogy to a quite different 
> > accusation of criminality, all within a few hours! My, oh, my, some 
> > people's hatred runs so deep it knows no bounds of decorum or decency. 
> > 
> > I have never had the impression that Robin is "targeting" anyone. He is 
> > working out some ideas and exchanging them with people who are willing to 
> > debate or simply chat with him. That's really the purpose of this forum, is 
> > it not? 
> If we're honest with ourselves, and honest with the people
> around us, we hopefully tack close to what's actually
> happening, even in the most relative terms, in our life.

However, that is not what Vaj is doing. He is not being
honest either with himself or the readers of FFL.

> So the question then becomes, how would you react to someone
> who caused friends to be expelled from college, some just
> before graduation, all that I talked to went on an inviolable
> faith that the person they put trust in was legit and worth
> risking their young careers, their young lives. How do you
> react when you hear someone extolling the virtues of
> maintaining the meditative purity of domes, while you know
> and have talked to the students that were tricked into
> violating that sacred space (for those involved in the dome 
> programs);

It is astonishing how completely Vaj has missed (or pretended
to miss) the point Robin was making about maintaining the 
purity of the domes. Not surprisingly, iranitea appears to
have missed it too.

This reminds me of nothing so much as the Romney campaign's
attempts to take things Obama has said completely out of
context in its commercials with the intention of deceiving
the electorate about what Obama stands for. They knew
precisely what they were doing.

 I've heard their hopes and their fears, as I spoke to them while they were 
still doing it, and afterwards. How do you handle this same person recommending 
abortion for some couples "evolution"? 
> And then there is the demonic confrontations...
> Then as time passes, you forget most of this, only to run into
> that same person again, weaving the same old patterns (to your 
> perception) once again. What do you do then Feste?

That is not Vaj's perception. Vaj knows better. Vaj is
attempting to impose perceptions he knows will be
detrimental to Robin on the rest of us--perceptions Vaj
knows are false.

> If you don't get that you're his target audience Feste, then
> maybe it's because the crosshairs are placed so finely on you, 
> you've missed their very presence.

Utter bullshit. I think feste is very much aware of the
crosshairs Vaj has placed on him. They're remarkably crude,
and entirely malicious.

> > I like Robin. I think he is a good guy. 
> I would think you two (and many here) share some similar or even same 
> sentimental moments. R's sentimentality should appeal to many TM folk.

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