*State of FFL vs Share Long*
*Dec 2nd, 2012*
*Exhibit D*

The jurors dubbed the "3 Idiots" - feste, Buck, Steve continue to view this
as another example of the innocence, sincerity of the defendant Share Long.

Juror#4 - Laughinggull insists on fair play much to the annoyance of

Juror#5 - Barry continues to be hostile and demeaning towards the defendant
and may soon be dismissed because of contempt of court.

The other jurors dubbed the "wts seven" rightly see this as yet another
pattern of the defendant's deceptive damsel-in-distress plea of innocence.

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Share Long <sharelon...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> 1.  Do you think that any benefits can come from Judy Share and Emily
> continuing to communicate with each other?
> 2.  If yes, what do you think are the benefits that can come of it?
> 3.  What do you think would be a viable next step to move closer to those
> benefits with a minimum of what's not beneficial?
> I began to think of these questions while driving to the Dome this
> evening.  I have not discussed them with anyone.
> I look forward to any answers especially to numbers 2 and 3.
> In some ways I don't think the answer to number 1 matters.
> My answers:
> 2.  I hope that more peace and enjoyment for those on FFL would come of it.
> 3.  This post IS my viable next step!
> 1.  I'm not sure.  But I'm open to the possibility of yes.
> I'm hoping for some fun answers too (-:
> Thank you everyone for your time and thoughts and caring.

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