LOL - well said - reminds me of something I heard: If you don't want to see it 
through, don't even begin the spiritual path.:-)

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> ยจ
> > I feel really grateful for TM and all my time in it, and I was lucky enough 
> > to manage grad school and a career a bit later.  But I still get why some 
> > might feel that taking a large chunk of time out of the mainstream might 
> > have left a mark - that they never caught up.  Especially if they are 
> > disappointed about the results of TM itself. Then they lost on both counts.
> Good story. 
> Regarding those disaappointed souls, in my experience with being in these 
> settings for 40 years, they have all one thing in common; they never liked 
> sadhana in the first place. Too restless to really LIKE or even be able to 
> sit. 
> And now hey are bitter ? For what, because their restless nature has been 
> cruel to them ? In my experiene, the vast majority of these are simply 
> spiritually lazy. 
> Then ofcourse they need someone ELSE to blame.

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