--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > Trigunaji 1916- 1 Jan 2013
> >
> In honor of Trigunaji's passing,

Interesting start to a story that seems to underline the whole
ayurveda story to me. It doesn't work.

> Triguna's herbs were bitter. I managed to get the herbs past my taste buds by 
> mixing them with a small shot of tea, bolting it down and then chasing it 
> with a big cup of tea.  Never drink anything is India that isn't boiled. 
> Anyway, the herbs didn't seem to work and I ended up taking Western medicine, 
> which knocked out the bug in my "bad bowel." 

Taking western medicine Raunchy, very shrewd. I've always thought that
experimenting with auyrveda (and all alternative health scams) was fine *as 
long as there is nothing wrong with you* I know people that would still be 
alive if they hadn't swallowed, hook line and stinker, the whole "perfect 
science of health" bit that Marshy via Triguna was plugging.

In fact I know someone who is very seriously ill because he eschewed
anti-biotics in favour of stone age hopefulness. Upon becoming ill he
took himself off to Marshy's favourite ayurveda clinic where, after a
predictably large fortune had been spent -and a cure not forthcoming- he was 
told "there must be some doubt in you". Good medicine!

Still, there's always the yagya programme to fall back on. Throwing
good money after bad IMO but when you truly believe this stuff what
else can you do? The TMO abandoned common sense a long time ago, leave
it in the hands of the gods! Might as well as spend any more money
on ayurveda . My friend will probably die a long slow miserable death and 
everyone will rationalise it in the usual way and blame it on his "planets" or 
rakshasas or something similarly untestable. 

Sometimes I think a crime is being committed but maybe it's just 
the crime of stupidity. After all we are intelligent people who
are free to make choices based on evidence or beliefs. Seems a shame that an 
org like the TMO with its proclaimed belief in science has such a shaky 
superstitious core lying just beneath the surface, they
might be in a position to help people by recommending they go to
a proper doctor instead of clinging to the dream that they have all
the answers by taking your pulse and telling you to stare at the

So why all the reverence? Would you really want to live in a world
where ayurveda was the only method of healthcare? Anyone?

> Jai Guru Dev, Trigunaji, rest in peace.

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