On 01/03/2013 10:19 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Recently the 2 main health clinics at the Jeff Co Health Center (hospital) 
> have hired doctors who are also familiar with alternative healthcare.  Both 
> happen to be women.  I also like allopathic for diagnosis but then go to 
> alternative for treatment if possible.  Unless there's infection and as you 
> say, broken bones.  With my parents who both take lots of Western meds each 
> with side effects, I see what a slippery and dangerous slope that is.  When 
> my Dad contracted the killer bacteria, the docs had to take all his other 
> meds into account as they chose which antibiotic to use.  Meanwhile precious 
> time was passing as it was a bacteria that's been known to kill in 48 hours.
> Back to Triguna, the only thing he said to me was no fried foods.  Of course 
> I did not listen!  Those avocado oil potato chips (-:
> I actually prefer Chinese herbs to ayurvedic ones.  But what I really prefer  
> is getting healthy via the foods I eat.  I'll check out the metabolic typing 
> website.  Thanks too for mentioning the book.

Kristal's web site:

Much of this has to do with the pH of the blood.  Something that is a 
little difficult to test personally.  It is reflected in CO2 levels on 
regular blood panels.  I'm going to look into the use of oximeters for 
this since they can be purchased for under $50.  Blood pH only varies a 
little but that little variance can cause an imbalance.   The imbalances 
in metabolic typing reflect similar imbalances in ayurveda.  Which makes 
sense because most all of this is just biochemistry, a field which many 
MD's (according to a friend who attended medical college) have 
difficulty with.

Kristal mentions the work of Dr. George Watson who came up with the slow 
and fast oxidizer prognosis and tests for it.  Watson had a smell test 
kit which I purchased back in the 80s (for less than $20) to determine 
how someone was functioning.  I usually came up as a slightly slow 
oxidizer.  I had already been through the metabolic typing program of 
Dr. Kelly's which Bill Wolcott (a former TM teacher) now runs and has 
published a book about.  Kristal also mentions Bill's work in the field.

Thing is a lot of alternative practitioners pay far more attention to 
current medical research than MDs.  Much of naturopathic medicine keeps 
abreast  of such developments.  We also have a lot of current research 
validating much of what alternative practices such as ayurveda and 
Chinese medicine have advocated for ages.

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