--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 08:33 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >>> Trigunaji 1916- 1 Jan 2013
> >>>
> >> In honor of Trigunaji's passing,
> > Interesting start to a story that seems to underline the whole
> > ayurveda story to me. It doesn't work.
> >
> >   
> >> Triguna's herbs were bitter. I managed to get the herbs past my taste buds 
> >> by mixing them with a small shot of tea, bolting it down and then chasing 
> >> it with a big cup of tea.  Never drink anything is India that isn't 
> >> boiled. Anyway, the herbs didn't seem to work and I ended up taking 
> >> Western medicine, which knocked out the bug in my "bad bowel."
> > Taking western medicine Raunchy, very shrewd. I've always thought that
> > experimenting with auyrveda (and all alternative health scams) was fine *as 
> > long as there is nothing wrong with you* I know people that would still be 
> > alive if they hadn't swallowed, hook line and stinker, the whole "perfect 
> > science of health" bit that Marshy via Triguna was plugging.
> >
> > In fact I know someone who is very seriously ill because he eschewed
> > anti-biotics in favour of stone age hopefulness. Upon becoming ill he
> > took himself off to Marshy's favourite ayurveda clinic where, after a
> > predictably large fortune had been spent -and a cure not forthcoming- he 
> > was told "there must be some doubt in you". Good medicine!
> >
> > Still, there's always the yagya programme to fall back on. Throwing
> > good money after bad IMO but when you truly believe this stuff what
> > else can you do? The TMO abandoned common sense a long time ago, leave
> > it in the hands of the gods! Might as well as spend any more money
> > on ayurveda . My friend will probably die a long slow miserable death and 
> > everyone will rationalise it in the usual way and blame it on his "planets" 
> > or rakshasas or something similarly untestable.
> >
> > Sometimes I think a crime is being committed but maybe it's just
> > the crime of stupidity. After all we are intelligent people who
> > are free to make choices based on evidence or beliefs. Seems a shame that 
> > an org like the TMO with its proclaimed belief in science has such a shaky 
> > superstitious core lying just beneath the surface, they
> > might be in a position to help people by recommending they go to
> > a proper doctor instead of clinging to the dream that they have all
> > the answers by taking your pulse and telling you to stare at the
> > moon.
> >
> > So why all the reverence? Would you really want to live in a world
> > where ayurveda was the only method of healthcare? Anyone?
> >   
> >
> >> Jai Guru Dev, Trigunaji, rest in peace.
> Having studied ayurveda and even done an ayurvedic tour of India, I beg 
> to differ.  Maybe the difference is that I had an MD as an ayurvedic 
> doctor.  In fact I got his name from MAPI when I called to get a list of 
> ayurvedic doctors in the SF Bay Area.  However this MD had not only 
> taken the MA doctor's course but Dr. Lad's as well.   I also took some 
> weekend workshops with a number of ayurvedic practitioners including Dr. 
> Robert Svoboda.
> There are a lot of "cures" and "treatments" in allopathic disease 
> maintenance that parallel ayurveda or probably even owe their roots to 
> it and Chinese medicine.  This time of year we would usually take some 
> off the shelf cough and cold measures that have their roots in such 
> medicine.  The now defamed ephedrine is of course a synthetic derivation 
> of the herb ephedra which is used in Chinese medicine and ayurveda was 
> the principle decongestant in these.  It's defamed only because meth 
> cookers would buy it in bulk to make meth.  Now, if you want it you have 
> to register your purchase.  Of course, ephedra grows all over the US as 
> a weed.
> However due to ayurveda, unless I screw up somehow, I don't have to 
> reach for such a concoction.  If I start to experience even the 
> slightest sing of cold, cough or flu and little homemade kapha tea ( 1 
> part ginger, 1 part cinnamon, dash clove) will make it do a quick exit.  
> Adding a little black pepper will speed it up too.  Recipe courtesy of 
> Dr. Lad who has a lot of kitchen cures like that.
> Don't forget that "medicine for profit" Big Pharma patented the herb 
> neem.  Something outraged folks in India so they put together an 
> organization to patent all their herbs to keep corporations from doing 
> so.  I suspect big pharma would disagree with you about whether ayurveda 
> really works.
> Allopathic doctors are good for broken bones or other emergency 
> measures.  Most have little training in nutrition.  Most are merely drug 
> pushers for big pharma who isn't interested in curing a disease because 
> there's too much money in just maintenancing it.  I think of all the 
> billions raised over the years for those "cure" telethons and none of 
> those diseases are anywhere near cured.  Big pharma thanks all the marks 
> for that money.  By all rights a lot of those diseases should be history 
> by now.  A lot of them are curable with alternative medicine.
> And ayurveda isn't the only alternative form of medicine I've studied 
> but also Chinese in the form of macrobiotics (and not just the "eat 
> brown rice thang") and also metabolic typing which continues to be an 
> interest.  BTW, I recently bought Dr. Harold Kristal's "The Nutrition 
> Solution" which I think has the best explanation of metabolic typing.  I 
> found that book at Amazon and decided since I really didn't need a 
> pristine copy of it to get it used for 42 cents (plus $3.99 shipping).  
> The book arrived as if it had never even been thumbed through just as 
> good as new.
> Capitalism has done a lot of damage and it has particularly ruined 
> healthcare.

Some good points Bhairitu, but none of them help my friend who is
ill and the ones who died all of whom were very into AV, and saw
all the Indian Dr's whenever they came over as they were close to the
heart of the TMO and had been for decades. 

I guess you are in the position of not having had anything go seriously wrong 
yet. Treating colds and minor ailments with herbs will have benefits for some 
but there is only so much you can do. As Raunchy says you've got to know when 
to quit.

I know more people who have died young in the TMO than in my other life. Can't 
draw anything from such a small sample and my TM friends
are generally older, but if you adjust the figures I'm sure it would come out 
looking like longevity in the TMO isn't what you'd expect
from the wild claims they make.

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