Knapp sounds like a narcissistic, near sociopath, dishonest, shyster.  Share, 
why do you post what you do about the "healers" you see?  Barry has gone off 
the deep end again on this - why?  Carol, neither of your links came through to 
my Yahoo email, however, I remember information from a prior post a long while 
back that was included.  There is nothing wrong with you being here - I think 
it's a good thing to bring his doings to the attention of others. 

> From: Carol <>
>Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 7:52 AM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Re- John M Knapp - Johnny Profane
>Hey Share...
>Not that I know of.
>I posted in this thread awhile back because someone had brought up Knapp's 
>name and something having to do with Knapp's questionable honesty. 
>So..I responded in this thread (mindfulness) regarding a snippet of my 
>situation with Knapp and, since I had supported him here previously, I wanted 
>to retract my endorsements.
>Here is a link to my initial post on here about my retraction regarding Knapp:
>Thus I posted the few updates here (and there have been few, not many). 
>The above link is not my first post on FFL, but was my first post regarding 
>exposing Knapp. 
>I'd have to search back to find my previous postings which were about other 
>subjects, some of which were supportive of Knapp.
>Knapp is well know among the TMO (anti and pro) crowd. 
>As far as motive? It has been (at least on here) to expose Knapp's dishonesty 
>in his dealings. He had continued to list himself as a cult-recovery therapist 
>on his professional LinkedIn page through the latter part of 2012. I do not 
>know if he was continuing to counsel or not.
>--- In, Share Long  wrote:
>> Carol, is someone on FFL availing themselves of John's services?  Or is 
>> about to?  Is that why you recently resumed posting about him here?
>> ________________________________
>>  From: Carol 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 8:52 AM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Re- John M Knapp - Johnny Profane
>> Hey again Barry,
>> I've thought it'd be fun to have wings...ya' know, loons.  They are pretty 
>> in flight. 
>> OK. Again your opinion is noted...because that's all it're opinion.
>> You can read my motives on my blog. But I'm sure you won't because you don't 
>> care which makes me wonder why you even direct a post at me. 
>> I guess you care because you want to express your opinion about me?
>> I don't have a grudge against Knapp. To expose someone who has harmed others 
>> without accountability does not mean someone has a grudge.
>> Does it still anger me that he lied like he did, that he lied about others, 
>> that he mistreated me, that he has psychologically raped people, that he has 
>> unpaid financial debts to people, and other stuff that I am not at liberty 
>> to share? Sure. But that's not a grudge.
>> If I really wanted to 'at' Knapp, I could make public his very revealing 
>> private emails to me. But, I haven't done that. 
>> Knapp knows he lied. He may continue to lie to his new circle; I do no know.
>> You are wrong though that I have only come here to post about Knapp. I do 
>> read other threads when I come here on and off. I have come here without 
>> ever posting anything. Prior to when someone brought Knapp in this thread 
>> originally...I hadn't posted about Knapp. 
>> I haven't engaged in the three descriptions you list as far as 
>> cyberstalking. I researched cyberstalking pretty well after Knapp went on 
>> his defamatory outrage. 
>> I've never approach any of Knapp's friends, family, etc., for any 
>> information on Knapp.
>> I've never tried to trace Knapp anywhere. I have read his public Facebook 
>> page. If you think that is cyberstalking, so be it.
>> Yes, I did monitor Knapp's online Facebook page. NY state was looking for 
>> him. He had skipped state and never responded to their requests when he was 
>> there and left no forwarding address. Little did I know at the time about 
>> the other outstanding judgement against him in another county in NY. NY 
>> state asked if I knew Knapp's I read his Facebook page 
>> which gave Knapp's whereabouts. 
>> I've never even 'harassed' Knapp. I posted my story on my blog and on one 
>> other online forum. I didn't encourage anyone to join me. And no one did. If 
>> sharing my experience is harassment, so be it. 
>> What is the difference between whistleblowing about an organization and 
>> whistleblowing about a corrupt mental health therapist?
>> And even at whistle is hardly very loud. But you did say I 
>> 'barged' in. 
>> --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> >
>> > --- In, "Carol"  wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Thanks Judy.
>> > >
>> > > Also, I understand why Barry would view me as a "cyberstalker"
>> > > based on what Knapp has stated about me. Plus, the only thing
>> > > I've posted on this list in the last 1-1/2(?) years has been
>> > > about Knapp.
>> > 
>> > Duh. That's exactly it. You barged onto a forum that you have no other
>> > interest in EXCEPT as a means of "getting" someone you have a grudge
>> > against. I've never heard anything that Knapp said about you; I'm
>> > judging you because of *your* behavior.
>> > 
>> > > Barry may not recall that I had posted a few years prior
>> > > that I was a teenage TMer and was looking at going to MMU.
>> > > Then again, maybe he does recall, but I don't know why he
>> > > would. It's been awhile.
>> > 
>> > Barry doesn't give a shit. I've found both you AND your motives
>> > repulsive from Day One. Since Judy seems to believe that Wikipedia is to
>> > be trusted in all things, let's see what it has to say about
>> > cyberstalking, eh?
>> > 
>> >
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Please note the parts about it being a criminal offense. Note also some
>> > of the typical behavior of cyberstalkers:
>> > 
>> >     * Attempts to gather information about the victim.  Cyberstalkers may
>> > approach their victim's friends, family and work  colleagues to obtain
>> > personal information.
>> > 
>> > 
>> >     * Monitoring their target's online activities and attempting to trace
>> > their IP address in an effort to gather more information about their
>> > victims.
>> > 
>> > 
>> >     * Encouraging others to harass the victim. Many cyberstalkers  try to
>> > involve third parties in the harassment. They may claim the  victim has
>> > harmed the stalker or his/her family in some way, or may post  the
>> > victim's name and telephone number in order to encourage others to  join
>> > the pursuit.
>> > You're an official Cyberstalker as far as I'm concerned, and that has
>> > *nothing* to do with how I feel about John Knapp. He may be the worst
>> > flake in the world, but *he* is not the person who has devoted the best
>> > part of a year to tracking his movements and his activities and trying
>> > anything she could to harm his reputation or to get him into trouble.
>> > 
>> > You're a fuckin' loon. The only reason Judy is agreeing with you or
>> > supporting you is that she is a Cyberstalker, too, and John Knapp is one
>> > of *her* ongoing victims as well, because he was instrumental in
>> > revealing truths about the TM movement and Maharishi she would have
>> > preferred remain hidden. The only reason Nabby chimed in is because he
>> > also bears a grudge because of Knapp's TM whistleblowing, too.
>> > 
>> > The three of you make a lovely group:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > > ************
>> > >
>> > > --- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
>> > > >
>> > > > --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > --- In, "Carol"  wrote:
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > At the end of December, 2012, I decided to bring forth Knapp's
>> > 2011
>> > > > > > online defamatory posts aimed at myself and others.
>> > > > > > This link contains a table of contents to Knapp's posts that I
>> > am
>> > > > > > bringing forward.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Please go away. You're a stalker. Nobody cares that you
>> > > > > didn't like it when Knapp refused to continue working
>> > > > > with you as a patient. I have no great love for John,
>> > > > > but I can certainly see why he would have decided that.
>> > > >
>> > > > Barry, you know exactly nothing about this. What you think
>> > > > you know is wrong. Knapp is a potential menace to anyone
>> > > > considering counseling with him. Hopefully he's gone out
>> > > > of the therapy business for good. If so, anything Carol did
>> > > > to bring this about she should be congratulated for. It
>> > > > took more guts than you dream of having.
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >

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