LOL - "man panties"!

--- In, "Ann"  wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Since I'm obviously one of the people Barry is libeling with
> > > > the term "cyberstalker," 
> > > 
> > > I can remember when you used to work out what time Barry made
> > > his first post of the day, you'd then triumphantly post this fact
> > > as though it proved some point. Dead creepy behaviour, kind of 
> > > worrying you don't have the self-awareness to realise it. Maybe 
> > > Carol shouldn't take your analyses at face value?
> > 
> > Hmmmmmmm...besides the tracking of what time I get up
> > in the morning, what *else* might indicate that Judy is
> > a...uh...bit of a cyberstalker?
> > 
> > Let's see...
> > 
> > Oh, I've got it. In her 7.7 years on Fairfield Life, 
> > Judy has made around 22,600 posts, an average of over
> > eight posts a day. 
> > 
> > Of those posts, the number that contain either "Barry"
> > or "Turq" or "TurquoiseB," meaning that she was either
> > talking about me or replying to something I posted or
> > replying to something that someone else posted about 
> > me was 7,626 posts. 
> > 
> > That means that she's spent 33.74% of her entire history
> > of posts on FFL obsessing about me. 
> > 
> > Nope...certainly no evidence of stalking there, eh?  :-)
> Talk about drama queens Barry. Not one person here can possibly be taking you 
> seriously about this matter of Judy 'cyberstalking' you - for lots of 
> reasons. The term "cyberstalking" coming from you is like the words 
> "psychological rape" coming from Share. These, while you both might think are 
> accurate descriptions of what happen/happened to you, are overly dramatic, 
> almost laughable characterizations. You are using this term 'cyberstalking' 
> to gain attention and create a kind of camraderie of sympathy for yourself; 
> this alone is rather pathetic for a grown man who likes to portray himself as 
> not giving a shit about virtually anything in this life. Cyberstalking 
> implies you are in some sort of danger, that you are a victim of horribly 
> unwarranted attention and harassment. It implies you have done nothing to 
> deserve or warrant this terrible crime against yourself; that you are 
> helpless, that you, in no way, have brought any of this upon yourself. Give 
> me, and the rest of us, a fucking break. No one is losing a moment of sleep 
> worrying about poor harassed, stalked and victimized Barry Wright so why 
> don't you drop it and find where you left your man panties and pull them back 
> on. Move along, no one's buying it.
> > 
> > > But Carol is a bit creepy too, she turns up here simply to 
> > > rubbish someone who isn't around to defend themselves to a 
> > > bunch of people with - what? a presumed shared dislike of 
> > > TM? Is that what this is about, TM gets criticised here and 
> > > J Knapp does some criticising too so therefore there must 
> > > be something deficient with TM critics? Or does she assume 
> > > we are all good mates and is trying to drive a presumed 
> > > wedge between anyone who might have TM-free sympathies?
> > > 
> > > Whatever it is, it doesn't come across as a public service 
> > > announcement, more like some revenge fantasy. The only thing 
> > > that's obvious is that she needs more therapy to work out 
> > > why she behaves in this peculiar way. I fear that getting 
> > > Judy on her side will only entrench it, you don't find 
> > > healthy closure from someone who has to work out what time 
> > > her "enemies" get out of bed in the morning when they live 
> > > on the other side of the atlantic.
> >

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