
The physicist is making a bold statement there and she knows it.  She's asking 
for a strong backlash when she said time existed even before the Big Bang.  I 
can see the following questions coming up:  Is Time the essence of God or 
vice-versa?  Is there time in heaven or the unified field?  Is there a prime 
mover or the cause of Time?  What proof does she have to make such statements?


--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> hey John I very much enjoyed this.  Being a word person, was amazed to learn 
> that the word time is the noun that occurs most frequently.  Also her point 
> about atomic clocks off earth running slower helped me understand the role of 
> gravity in relation to time.
> I wonder if there can be time if there is no one to perceive its passage.  
> Kind of like, if a tree falls in a forest empty of people, does it make a 
> sound.  To that I say yes.  Because of the physical properties of trees and 
> ground and sound waves.  But thinking of time without space is for me like 
> contemplating a zen koan.  Very fun.
> I was fascinated that she ended the talk with a reference to neuroscience and 
> how progress in that field may hold the key to our understanding time 
> itself.  Thanks for posting.  
> ________________________________
>  From: John <jr_esq@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:51 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] There was Time Before the Big Bang But With No Space
> A German physicist said so.  Is she right?

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