So glad you weighed in for more understanding no doubt, Judy.

--- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> Hmm, as much as Curtis asserts that his goal is "to be
> understood by other people here," it doesn't seem that
> he is willing to respond to the question Emily asked
> him: Why did he make a point of calling her attention
> to a verse about gang rape? Instead he just wipes out
> her context as if it had never existed.

The consensus of the discussion that it brought out was that like my GF, some 
here thought it was not a rape but a woman in her power blowing off her husband 
and living it up in a hedonistic fantasy.  I believe that the author's intent 
was to show a man's powerlessness in the face of a woman owning her personal 
power over men.  It continues to be a popular song in my repertoire, as it was 
tonight, because it makes people think.  I brought it to her attention because 
it makes people think.  Is that clear enough?  No?

Ok how is this: the song was written by people not on this forum,  and concerns 
the lives of other people than exist in this time and place on this discussion 
forum  Emily was the one who found the lyrics and posted them, and I pointed 
out the most thought provoking verse as I do when I am performing the song in 
my shows.  I want people to think about this verse because it is complex and I 
missed its meaning at first.  Emily at the time was sharing an artist who also 
is not afraid of expressing figurative language based interesting lyrics.  

I did not send the lyrics to Emily, I corrected the ones I thought were wrong 
and directed her attention to something interesting to me and every audience I 
have performed it for.

> Obviously she found it disturbing. Why wouldn't he
> respond--unless that's what he wanted, for her to be
> disturbed?>

She looked up the lyrics.  I pointed out the verse that was the most 
controversial in meaning to promote the thoughtful discussion of the intention 
of the writer.  At the time it worked but apparently in retrospect she has 
taken my whole intention in a different direction than intended.

Sorry Judy, no drama here.

> Man, there are very creepy things going on on this 
> forum lately.>

Your malicious intentions are at the heart of them.  You are a constant source 
of ill will and misunderstanding here.

You are a troll and the intentions of this post are unfriendly. 

> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I have no idea why you would write any of this.
> > 
> > I shared music with you that I perform in my show. It has no meaning 
> > directed toward you except I thought I was sharing interesting music with 
> > another music lover. 
> > 
> > To be clear:  There are no hidden messages or meanings directed toward you 
> > by any music I ever shared with you on this board, ever.  There are no 
> > hidden messages toward you in anything I have ever written to you here.  I 
> > have tried to be clear about what I meant at all times because my goal is 
> > to be understood by other people here.
> > 
> > Lets chill on sharing music. It apparently isn't working.    
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, "emilymae.reyn" <emilymae.reyn@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Curtis:  Hey, I was just responding to Xeno on his psychological rape
> > > post and this spontaneously came off my fingertips:
> > > "nor did I [feel psychologically raped] recently, when Curtis referred
> > > me to the gang rape lyrics of a song he posted.  I probably should have
> > > then, come to think about it, but I just figured I had crossed his
> > > boundary again, unknowingly, like I did the first time.  I was teasing
> > > him; he got angry...."
> > > God bless it, were you trying to publicly PR me?  Did I not pick up on
> > > that?  I'm kind of slow on the uptake sometimes, it's true.  You never
> > > did explain to me why you referred me to the lyrics you did.  If you
> > > were, than I say "Fuck you, man, fuck you."  If you weren't than maybe
> > > you could explain it to me.  Am I right in my assumption above?
> > > I know you ain't a country guy, in terms of music, but here's a song
> > > from George Jones - RIP, that may bring you back to a performance period
> > > that would be best left forever.
> > >
> > > <>
> > >
> >

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