(Ann, see a note to you below my response to Curtis.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> > > Meanwhile Ravi, whose intent was actually to make a racist 
> > > statement, carefully setting it up so the intent would not
> > > be missed, got off scott-free because the L'll scamp is
> > > just so adorable.
> > 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > See, to deflect criticism for not speaking out against
> > the atrocious behavior of his allies here, Curtis makes a
> > virtue of choosing his battles. But the folks he doesn't
> > like are not accorded the privilege of doing the same, at
> > least if they're to avoid his withering scorn.(*)
> It is just that you can't have it both ways.  My objection
> to the bullshittery of accusing me of not running around
> after everyone else and scolding them is that we all do it.
> In fact we must choose our battles.
> And here you prove my point and your own hypocrisy for
> constantly challenging it when I bring it up.

(Says Curtis, wiping the sweat from his brow and heaving
a huge sigh of relief because he thinks he finally found
something in my post he can actually respond to.)

> So you in fact you DO pick your battles just as I do, and
> from here on out the contrived disingenuous routine of
> blaming anyone for not going after someone else here for
> an equally *egregious offense* will STOP.
> Right?

*sound of trap snapping shut*

Wrong. Ravi's "offense," such as it was, was not in the
same *universe* as Barry's constant flood of vicious
invective and lies directed at FFL members he doesn't
like (such as his recent suggestion that I was abused
by my father, only the latest of many stupidly wrong,
vile personal attacks).

Curtis is pushing a false equivalence, as I knew he

Curtis has ignored Barry's disgraceful treatment of FFL
members for *years*. I've taken after Ravi when I
thought it was appropriate. But it's rarely called for
with Ravi; he's a basically nice guy with a sharp tongue
and a clear and just sense of who here deserves to feel
its sting.

Barry is a sadistic bottom-feeder who does his damndest
to hurt people not because they deserve it but *because
he enjoys it*.

On one occasion, I didn't criticize Ravi for a very
nasty personal attack against Curtis, to give Curtis a
taste of his own medicine. Curtis did not like it at
all and exploded with rage.

Curtis and I "pick our battles" *very* differently. 
Curtis long ago chose *never* to do battle with Barry,
no matter how egregious his offenses, because he 
doesn't want to lose Barry's fawning support.

And he's doing battle for Share because her patently
dishonest attacks on Robin serve his purposes of
painting Robin as a villain for criticizing him.

I'm not going to go into Ravi's comments about black
people in this post because that's not my point.
Suffice it to say I didn't care for them much, but I
didn't find them nearly as offensive as Curtis did. (I
don't think Curtis's outrage was altogether faux, but
his main interest was having something to pound Ravi
with.) If Curtis wants to discuss Ravi's comments on
their own terms in another thread, fine. Lots of
shades of gray to examine there.

In the meantime, I stand by my remarks about Curtis's
hypocrisy. His "pick one's battles" mantra is far from
the only instance thereof.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > Or, for Curtis, maybe not so sad. Nothing wrong with having
> > a chuckle at the exploits of these rapists, eh, Curtis? Even
> > if the joke *was* just a wee bit lame, it conveyed the
> > "obvious level of horror" of what they did just fine, as long
> > as you didn't take it literally. Come on, people, lighten up!
> > 
> > I mean, if you can't joke about rape, what *can* you joke
> > about?
> Judy, there is no hope here. Seriously. You have fought the
> good fight, you have unwaveringly tried to show falsehood
> where there has been falsehood. You have backed up and
> documented and repeated the facts, events so many times now
> that it is obvious that those who refuse to see will continue
> to do so.

I like to push 'em a bit, not because I think there's
any hope of their changing for the better, but because
being pushed tends to trigger them to uncover even more
of the ugliness of their characters--just how deep the
hole into the pile of shit, as you put it, reaches--and
this is good for *other people* to know.

> The important part, for me, is not about any given event per 
> se. It is becoming a sort of sick fascination watching certain
> people dig a hole into a pile of shit with seemingly no bottom.
> This example of the depths to which certain individuals will go
> is truly revelatory for me. FFL represents a kind of microcosm
> of human fallibility (with myself right in there too). This is
> not about being holier than thou. It is about what human beings
> do to avoid what is real and what is important. For Curtis to 
> object like he did to Ravi about his "black people" comments
> and overlook Share's outrageous attempt to be light hearted
> and funny with a dismissive wave of his hand is positively - 
> well, I don't know what to call it, but whatever it is it ain't 
> pretty. Share will see it as support of herself (I am not sure
> what she thinks they are supporting as somewhere inside of her
> she must recognize the insensitivity of her "lame joke", doesn't
> she?) but she is missing the boat. She is just a handy tool for 
> Curtis and Barry to attack you and now me. Can someone 
> be "opportunistically raped"?

I think that's what Curtis did to Robin, actually. And now
he's using Share to justify it.

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