> Yet, I too see your hypocrisy on this board...
So, it looks like you're thinking that Barry has
been abusing some of the women on this list? Where 
would Barry have learned this behavior? Go figure.

> > > These kind of sexual relationships are a bit of a gray area. 
> > >  How much interest you should show in other people's private 
> > > lives is a matter of debate.
> > > 
> > > As Barry pointed out, 'Groupie with standards', the 
> > > phenomenon exists in all fields and 'all walks of life'. In 
> > > business, in sports, in the movie industry and so on.
> > > 
> > > Many young women use these guys as fodder for their growth 
> > > and move on.  These women were adults and they knew what 
> > > they were doing.  They are groupies voluntarily and to 
> > > pretend that it's an one-sided affair is not accurate.
> > 
> > You mistook my intent in saying what I said. Of course
> > there is an element of groupie behavior in women falling
> > onto their backs for people in positions of power or
> > celebrity. That certainly happens. 
> > 
> > But there is ALSO behavior in which the people IN these
> > positions of power or celebrity ABUSE their positions,
> > and make use of them to get their rocks off with these
> > gullible and stupid women. The TM organization was rife
> > with this kind of "abuse of position." In Europe I saw
> > dozens of guys on International Staff who specialized
> > in "seducing the course participants," all while claim-
> > ing to be celibate themselves. They would come on to
> > some naive TMer or TM teacher and say things like "I
> > know that I should be celibate, but I'm just SO attracted
> > to you." Then they'd fuck them a few times and forget
> > them, and run the same number on someone else the next
> > month, or the next week. When called on this behavior,
> > many of them would claim not to even be able to 
> > remember having done the same thing the week or month
> > before. It was *accepted* behavior, and as we all know
> > now, modeled on the mindset of their teacher Maharishi,
> > who did exactly the same thing. 
> > 
> > There IS such a thing as a "power differential" in real
> > life. Like the one that bosses have over their secre-
> > taries when they badger them into having sex with them.
> > Like the one that therapists have with their vulnerable
> > patients. Like the one that teachers in schools have
> > with their students. Abuse these levels of trust and
> > responsibility in those organizations and you'll get
> > your ass fired or lose your license or go to prison. 
> > 
> > But when it happens in "spiritual" organizations, this
> > same abuse of inherent "power differentials" and abuse
> > of trust is largely ignored, and thus quietly sanctioned.
> > People see it and then look the other way, to avoid 
> > dealing with the cognitive dissonance of people they
> > assumed to be trustworthy proving themselves less than
> > trustworthy. They pretend it never happened, because
> > hypocrisy is easier to live with than the knowledge
> > that their assumptions about these people in power are
> > and have always been false. 
> > 
> > And worse, if someone dares to cry, "The Emperor has
> > no clothes, and in fact is waving his dick at every
> > woman in town" the way Edg just did, the True Believers
> > gang up on him and try to make *him* the Bad Guy. 
> > 
> > I think it sucks. I lived with such hypocrisy in the
> > Rama trip, and will never do so again. I saw him fuck
> > his way through dozens of women, taking advantage of
> > their naivete and their adoration. I saw him ruin some
> > of these women's lives, get them pregnant and then
> > demand that they get abortions, and then dump them as
> > soon as he was "finished with them." I knew many of
> > these women personally, and provided a shoulder for
> > them to cry on after being made to feel like a Kleenex
> > that he'd jacked off into. 
> > 
> > That's WRONG. That an ABUSE OF TRUST. That's inexcusable.
> > 
> > Trying to excuse it by saying that these women are/were 
> > adults and thus "knew what they were doing" just doesn't
> > cut it. The incredible sway that spiritual teachers have
> > over their students is never to be forgotten. Many of
> > these women considered Rama almost as a God, and he
> > encouraged them to think that way. Many of the TM women
> > probably had their own reasons for bedding Hagelin (to
> > "get close" to someone who was "close" with Maharishi,
> > and thus possibly pick up some "darshan cooties") or
> > Maharishi himself (*direct* "darshan cooties"). But
> > it was still the teachers or the people in power who
> > took advantage of these women's naivete and their
> > innocence to fuck them and then throw them away. 
> > 
> > Do NOT try to make me a party in condoning this kind 
> > of behavior in a spiritual setting, or in any other. 
> > I once got fired from a job for counseling a woman
> > who had been the victim of sexual abuse by the CFO
> > of the company what to do to protect herself. He was
> > a serial abuser, and *everyone* in the company knew
> > it and kept quiet about it. I gave her a tape recorder 
> > and told her to record his next demands to "Stay late 
> > and work" (meaning "Stay and suck my cock"), and she 
> > did it. The CFO got fired, the resulting lawsuit cost 
> > the company hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I 
> > got fired for having suggested it. I considered my
> > actions a success. 
> > 
> > Power -- real or only perceived -- comes with 
> > RESPONSIBILITY. You just don't abuse that responsi-
> > bility, and abuse those you're responsible TO. Don't
> > you DARE try to make excuses for Hagelin or Bevan
> > or any of the others taking advantage of their
> > perceived positions of power to fuck women who 
> > wouldn't have given them a second look if they
> > didn't hold those positions of power. Naive or
> > not, they didn't deserve to be treated the way
> > they were treated. 

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