Chalk it up to my ignorance but I still don't see what good it does. I was at 
MIU when Marshy first gave his "blessing" to jyotish. Before that, astrology 
was on the list of forbidden fruits, the indulgence in which could result in 
being banned from the Domes and future rounding courses. 

You should have seen the dozens of True Believers who had been dabbling in 
western astrology fairly spinning with glee. They were flocking to the Movement 
approved jyotishees and others were coming out with the charts that Chakrapani 
Ullal had done for them. Chakrapani was a favorite of TM people in those days. 
Those who were getting jyotish for the first time were bringing their jyotish 
charts to meals in the Annapurna dining hall and comparing the jyotish to the 
western charts they had had done before. It was like Prohibition had ended
 and everyone was drunk with previously forbidden wine.

I was interested in jyotish for one reason. It promised to offer "remedial 
measures" for removing "bad karma" and rectifying unfavorable astrological 
situations. Before that astrology didn't interest me because mostly it seemed 
to describe what you are like, what your personality and strengths/weaknesses 
are. Big deal, like people don't already know that? People who look at a chart 
and see they are described fairly accurately, think the predictions of the 
future are going to be accurate. Then it turns out not to be and they still 
keep going.

So the idea that jyotish could alleviate the astrological situations and clear 
karma was enticing. What a crock. 

The "remedial measures." 

Yagyas - believe it if you like, but I have talked to dozens of people who have 
paid thousands of dollars both to the TM Movement and other pundits for yagyas 
and not a single one of them could
 definitively claim the yagyas did a damn thing for them, but most of them kept 
getting the yagyas cause they thought they might work.

Gems - A nice idea, and incredibly expensive given the fact that the stones are 
supposed to be flawless - you know what an authentic flawless ruby goes for? 
And the stones are supposed to be untreated. Regardless of what the jyotish 
selling gemstone websites tell people, it is nearly impossible to get stones 
that have not been oil and heat treated. I used to mine for gems in North 
Carolina and Montana and I know what I am talking about. They are all heat and 
oil treated, at least - many of them are treated with flux, which is heating 
the stone in a bath of chemicals of various types. Many these days are treated 
even before the get into the hands of the lapidary. The Mong Hsu rubies that 
began to dominate the ruby market in the 1990's are ALL flux treated. 

Mantras - chanting non-stop the various Sanskrit words. That's cool and some 
people certainly say it makes them feel better, but again I have yet to find 
anyone who can say definitely the use of chanted mantras changed something for 
them for the better. 

In the case of the TM Movement, jyotish was a boon (for the Movement) as it 
gave them the opportunity to milk customers over and over, not only for the 
various jyotish readings but selling the client gems and yagyas, etc.

So until jyotish comes up with something that works as far as remedial 
measures, I'll pass.

 From: Ravi Chivukula <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife 'Jyotishees"

OK - a few consolidated points on Jyotish here.

MJ, Ann et al.

Astrology is just a tool which gives a very useful insight into oneself. It is 
not meant to be fatalistic, you don't have to believe in it if you don't have 
to, even if you do use it you don't use it to dictate your life - I certainly 
love astrology but I do not use it to dictate my life choices, morals, beliefs 
and/or my daily life. However  John's post's  and his recommendations of 
various astrologers, Hindu philosophy is a proof how much astrology gets 
tainted by astrologer's personal beliefs, myths, metaphors take as reality.


Sanjay is a very good astrologer and he is perfect example of what I am talking 
above. His astrology is thoroughly corrupted, tainted by his garbage. His 
philosophy, beliefs are idiotic, representative of Hindu conservative, 
narrow-minded beliefs, taking Hindu symbolism, metaphors and myths into a 
literal version of truth and as a way of some supreme truth. Sanjay is a 
personally reprehensible, retarded, disgusting person and I, in 2010 personally 
joined his Jyotish list and insulted him thoroughly. Of all the astrologers you 
quote PVR is the best though, he is at least logical, consistent, has common 
sense but he is too conservative and traditional for my liking and espouses the 
kind of Hindu philosophy that is alien to my values (He is a Telugu Brahmin 
like myself).

Obba dear - I will get to your post but I wanted you to quickly know that I use - they give interpretations which are close to how I 
personally do it, purely basics untainted by any philosophy or belief. However 
two things -  as you know you need to use the right zodiac along with ayanamsa 
and their interpretations on the nodes are messed up, if you get to it - it 
should be the reverse.

Ann - you are really pressuring me lady :-), but then remember I myself am like 
- remember this is for Ann and it has to be good. I have several posts that I 
intend to respond to however your reading is one I plan to get to first because 
I'm being quoted by you every other post LOL. I'm just too high, scattered and 
distracted, I even tried drinking a few beers last night to knock me out of the 
mystical spell I was under but it hasn't helped.


On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 5:34 PM, John <> wrote:

>I believe that's correct.  That's one of the reasons why Rama got separated 
>from Sita, his wife, for a very long time.
>Many years ago my TM teacher told me to read the Ramayana to understand some 
>of the Vedic concepts.  I told him that I've read it before as literature but 
>not as a primer for Vedic philosophy.
>Also, Sanjay Rath stated that the Vedic literature has many embedded jyotish 
>concepts in the stories of the Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita, and the Srimad 
>Bhagavatam.  I've found a few jyotish principles in reading the Srimad 
>Bhagavatam.  But it would be too long to discuss them here.
>In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the sutra relating to the samyama of the Moon 
>actually refers to knowledge of the various nakshatras in the zodiac, IMO.  
>The samyama of the Sun refers to the knowledge of the various houses in the 
>Nonetheless, I have the suspicion that the sutras also refer to some 
>scientific principles which physicists today are still discovering.  These 
>include quantum entanglement and the superposition of wave functions.  IMO, 
>these are the scientific principles that are involved in acquiring the various 
>--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
>> Hey John, I was just reading Edg's post and it reminded me:  didn't Ram 
>> have kujadosha?  Obbajee, be glad you have kujadosha and not Rahu in 7th.  
>> With that you need to marry someone with same or Ketu there.  And guess 
>> what?  You probably won't be attracted to them!  How's that for one of 
>> God's little jests?!
>> ________________________________
>>  From: John <jr_esq@...>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 2:56 PM
>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife 'Jyotishees"
>> Obbajeeba,
>> Kujadosha means a Mars condition or blemish.  The term applies to those 
>> people who have Mars placed in the 1,2,4,7,8, and 12th house of the natal 
>> chart.  There are exceptions to this condition which can vary depending on 
>> the jyotish tradition you follow.  You should read James Braha's book for a 
>> detailed discussion of this subject.  Or, email me and I can give you a link 
>> where you can find it.
>> This means that 50 percent of all people have this condition.  So, it is 
>> practical and advisable to marry someone who has the same condition.  
>> Otherwise, the success for maintaining a marriage relationship will be 
>> drastically reduced.
>> There are also other factors to be considered for marriage compatibility.  
>> However, IMO the more criteria one uses for compatibility the lesser the 
>> chances of finding anyone for marriage.
>> So, the element of love is still the most important factor for getting 
>> married.
>> JR
>> --- In, obbajeeba <no_reply@> wrote:
>> >
>> > Ravi, When you can comment again once the meany time passes for post count 
>> > rules:
>> > So, Kuja dosha does not really get canceled?
>> > I have been told many times one with kuja dosha should find someone with 
>> > kuja dosha. But when I find with Kuja dosha, the significations for that 
>> > house make it rather distancing. So cancellation means, "Well you both 
>> > have kuja dosha and well they actually do not cancel, but you two will 
>> > live far away from each other and there, cancellation." Right? LOL
>> > Otherwise kuja dosha person becomes victim to his/her mate. Or their mate 
>> > dies early anyways?
>> > The more I read on the subject, and the more I see from real life 
>> > experiences, Kuja is as Kuja does. 
>> > Anyone else is more than welcome to step into this spiraling out of 
>> > control doomsday fate, I surely would appreciate a better understanding of 
>> > this kuja dosha thing. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > --- In, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@> 
>> > wrote:
>> > >
>> > > LOL..thanks dear Ann, give me a couple of days. I usually memorize the
>> > > chart in my head and contemplate on it in my free time to make sure I 
>> > > don't
>> > > miss anything. I am slow since I don't do this often. Of course I can 
>> > > start
>> > > talking about it as I see it but then it won't make much sense to you if 
>> > > I
>> > > talk about houses and planets but I will just summarize and do the 
>> > > detailed
>> > > one for the heck of it so you could see my thought process.
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 10:23 PM, Ann <awoelflebater@> wrote:
>> > > 
>> > > > **
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > --- In, Ravi Chivukula <chivukula.ravi@>
>> > > > wrote:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 9:14 PM, Ann <awoelflebater@> wrote:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > > **
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > --- In, Ravi Chivukula 
>> > > > > > <chivukula.ravi@>
>> > > > > > wrote:
>> > > > > > >
>> > > > > > > Well dear Ann - astrologers can get pretty carried away and come 
>> > > > > > > up
>> > > > with
>> > > > > > > magical theories. In essence, from a purely theoretical 
>> > > > > > > perspective
>> > > > one
>> > > > > > > can, I can - devoid of all mystical, magical crap, karma,
>> > > > reincarnation
>> > > > > > > bullshit - come up with a reasonable, logical, analytical
>> > > > astrological
>> > > > > > > analysis that provides insights into one's strengths, weaknesses,
>> > > > > > > personality. I don't know how it works - but it does and of 
>> > > > > > > course
>> > > > it's
>> > > > > > not
>> > > > > > > an exact Science, it's more of an intuitive, analysis since the
>> > > > signs,
>> > > > > > > planets have various significations and an intelligent astrologer
>> > > > has to
>> > > > > > > put everything in the right perspective. Since you are skeptical 
>> > > > > > > I
>> > > > can do
>> > > > > > > one for you if you would like and you can measure the success of 
>> > > > > > > the
>> > > > > > > reading.
>> > > > > >
>> > > > > > Dear Ravi, I would love you to do whatever you want to with me. 
>> > > > > > What
>> > > > next?
>> > > > > > Need birth dates etc?
>> > > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Yes dear Ann - time of birth and place is what's needed. If you don't
>> > > > want
>> > > > > to post it here let me know.
>> > > >
>> > > > No, it's all very good, I would love you to read me.
>> > > > Date of birth November 5, 1956. Place: Dunkirk, New York. Time 8:25 am
>> > > > (that is as close in time as I know.) Anything else? My life and 
>> > > > destiny
>> > > > are in your hands.
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >


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