--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@...> wrote:
> > > > Adam and Eve huh? You know, if god made Eve out of Adam's rib
> > > > then they shared DNA, which makes them brother and sister.
> > > > Which is incest. Now *that* is a law of nature being broken!
> > > 
> > > Almost everyone even in Minnesota might well know, that that's
> > > based on mistranslation of a Hebrew word!
> > >
> turquoise:
> > Has everyone on this forum LOST THEIR MINDS? 
> >
> You're the guy that claimed he saw Rama levitate
> in front of a large group of people and fill the 
> hall with golden light, but we're the ones that 
> have lost our minds? Go figure.
> > "Adam and Eve" is a MYTH. 
> > 
> > As is God. 
> > 
> > As is the concept of anyone, anywhere, at any point
> > in time "knowing" what the "Laws Of Nature" are. 
> > 
> > Someday I'd love for homophobes to actually "come out"
> > and be HONEST. They hate the idea of gay sex because
> > either they've been taught to by generations of homo-
> > phobes before them, many of them posing as "religious"
> > leaders claiming to "know" things that no human can
> > know (and many of them closet homosexuals themselves), 
> > or they're terrified that THEY might have had a few 
> > gay sex impulses themselves, or both. 
> > 
> > Such beliefs strike me as an INSULT to the very idea
> > of God, if one believed in one. How could *anyone*
> > imagine that a God would be such a micromanager and
> > such a prude that He/She/It would give a shit what
> > any of His/Her/Its creations do with their convex or
> > concave parts. After all, He/She/It created over
> > 1,500 species on planet Earth that display homosexual
> > behavior. 
> > 
> > Did He/She/It just *fuck up* when doing that, or 
> > should it be taken as a sign that humans' fear of 
> > such behavior is THEIR prejudice, not God's?
> > 
> > AIDS is similarly a *disease*, without prejudice. It
> > became associated with gay behavior *by accident*,
> > not by any cosmic design, and similarly afflicts
> > those who indulge in straight sex. HIV/AIDS is a 
> > global pandemic, and as of 2011 approximately 34 
> > million people have HIV worldwide. Of these, 
> > approximately 17.2 million are men, 16.8 million 
> > are women and 3.4 million are less than 15 years 
> > old. There were about 1.8 million deaths from AIDS 
> > in 2010, down from 2.2 million in 2005.
> > 
> > If "your" God did all that just to punish "bad"
> > behavior in gay people, you can *have* the malignant,
> > sadistic motherfucker. I want no part of anyone or
> > anything that insane, or anyone who reveres Him/Her/It.
> >


This is the reason why Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden.

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