--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > This is the reason why Adam and Eve were banished from 
> > the Garden of Eden.
> Are you INSANE?
> Adam and Eve never existed. Nor did the Garden
> of Eden. These are all *stories* made up to 
> entertain stupid people. 
Oedipus put his eyes out because he realized he had
married his own mother.
> Clearly you seem to BE one.

The fox said the grapes were sour because he was
pissed off that he couldn't reach them.

> You're ALSO the person who trots out equally
> made-up stories from the Gita or the Vedas to
> excuse inexcusable actions or beliefs. Those
> stories never happened, either, and those
> "people" never existed. They're MYTHS. 

King Midas died of starvation because he had
prayed for the power to turn everything he touched
to gold.

> The good part about myths is that they can be
> used to teach concepts. The bad part about myths
> is that stupid people tend to believe that the
> stories really happened.

And then there are the utterly hopeless nitwits
like Barry who can't tell the difference between
someone citing a myth to make a point about what
it teaches, and insisting the myth really happened.

(This is especially likely to be a source of
confusion when the hopeless nitwit has a desperate
need, like Barry, to put somebody down to make
himself feel More Important. Sometimes these 
nitwits are so driven they hallucinate that
*EVERYBODY* is insisting the myth really
happened even when *nobody* is.)
> And then they trot out the myths AS IF they
> really happened, and use them to excuse their
> bigotry, hatred, and homophobia, as John just 
> did above.

Actually, I don't believe the Adam and Eve myth
had anything to do with homosexuality. At least,
not the one in the Bible that John is referring
to. And the "as if" is in Barry's mind, not in
John's, as is the hatred. That's where the
accusations of bigotry and homophobia come from.

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