Awww...Barry....thanks for doing this...I *meaningful* is this?!  
I'm not sure what posting on FFL has to do with "enlightenment," but feel free 
to describe it for me/us.  I can tell you miss those who post out when they/we 
do, what with all the focus and attention you bring to this topic again and 
again and again.  Control is overrated in my opinion - take Share who thinks in 
terms of 7 a day - how important is it that she make sure the forum is blessed 
with her presence, and that you make sure of the same, every day all year long, 
year after year.  I say, old chap, show us some passion, throw caution to the 
wind every once in awhile, show us a little spontaneity, post out just once - 
for the freedom, Barry (and Share), the freedom.  Don't be stodgy; get creative 
and run with it.  I will miss you and your predictability terribly; I will miss 
Share's insights on just about everything.  Come on, now, I dare you.  Share, 
see how far you
 can get past 50 (maybe even to 70 if you're fast) before Alex shuts you down.  
Give FFL an opportunity to miss you.  :) :)

From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 12:23 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just sayin'...the Overposters Edition :-)

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> "(And I've never posted out because I "couldn't control" 
> myself, BTW.)"  - Judy Stein, 1 August 2013
> "I have a lot more faith in my sense of why you behave 
> as you do than I do in what you tell me of why you behave 
> as you do."  - Judy Stein, 13 July 2013
> What she said. 
> The second quote, not the first one. 
> Buh-bye, Judy...

Just for fun, and because I've been trying to learn
a new scripting language, I wrote a script that found
posts by Alex containing the subject title "Post Count"
and then scanned them for people who have been consigned
one or more times to the Overposter's Bench.

The results are fascinating, and to everyone's surprise,
the "winner" in this Ain't Got No Self Control Contest
is *not* Judy. It's the guy who claims to be enlightened.

In the following list, the name of the poster is followed
by the rough (I am still learning this scripting language,
so the count could be a little off) number of weeks they
have spent sitting on the Overposter's Bench. 

The grand total is revealing in terms of self control.
A cumulative total of *50 weeks* have been spent by 
the Overposter's, sitting there twiddling their thumbs
(or whatever else they twiddle), wishing that they
could be here still posting away. 

If they had had more self-control, they would have been.
There is really no other way to see it.

Jim, under his many names - 7
Judy - 5
Robert/Babaji - 5 
Buck - 4
maskedzebra - 3
Emily - 3
mjackson - 3
Yifuxero - 2
raunchydog - 2
Vaj - 2
Shempmcgurk - 1
off_world_beings - 1
Nablus - 1
Joe - 1
Seventhray - 1
Curtis - 1
obbajeeba - 1
Willytex - 1
Sal Sunshine - 1
sparaig - 1
danfriedman - 1
salyavin - 1
seraphita - 1


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