One of the things that has suffered because of this Paris
gig has been my ability to keep up with TV series I once
watched near-religiously. I purposefully haven't even
bothered to start watching "Continuum" or the US versions
of "The Killing" (season 3) or "The Bridge," because I 
knew I wouldn't have time for them. 

I did watch season three of the excellent UK series "Luther,"
and found it as good as the previous two. In my household,
a mighty cheer went up when one favorite character from the
previous two seasons reappeared. :-)

I've been watching "True Blood," first curious what it would
be like without Alan Ball at the helm, and think it's been
pretty good, on the whole. More interesting in many ways
that last season. 

I'm watching "Dexter," of course, and enjoying it, and wonder-
ing how they're going to fit The End Of Dexter into the few
remaining episodes. 

I just saw the first episode so far of the new season of "The
Newsroom," and liked it. I'm a sucker for fast dialogue.

Like everyone else, I am waiting with 'bated breath for the
last 8 episodes of "Breaking Bad." 

And that's about it. Anyone seen anything worth reporting on?

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