Listen, Robin, just please come out of somewhere and post something, okay? 
Otherwise we here, have to keep reading on all the contemplations about you, 
your, is, was, will be, what, how, when. 

If we can summon Robbin to please post, it is like a neutralizing effect, 
"Robin's Effect," to balance all this back and forth. 

Please, Robin come forth, (someone prod him) or at least someone pretend to be 
him on this board, and write a big long post(s), to simmer this unlimited 
posting heroin addicted behavior of things about Robin? 
If Robin posts, a calm will settle in, because most will be too afraid to 
address him with 5 word sentences, because they will feel too stupid to do 
that, next to the magnanimous, colossal free style thinking written and it will 
shut our traps to continue these trivial scrabble game variables! 

--- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "RoryGoff" <rorygoff@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, "RoryGoff"  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Yeah, when it got down to it at the "end,"...
> > > > 
> > > > TB: OK, stop right there. Really.
> > > 
> > > R: Yes! "Stop right there. Really." Exactly! :-)
> > 
> TB: > Who exactly is it who is "signing" the things 
> > said so far in this discussion by "labeling"
> > them, Robin-style? Would we be wrong in 
> > perceiving it as an "I" or an ego?
> R: I am not sure exactly what you mean by "labeling" them, Robin-style, but 
> sure, it is a functioning "I" and/or an ego. Or perhaps a cluster of us, 
> might be more accurate. Maybe. Or That functioning as an I, as Tom T. used to 
> say.
> > > > TB:  What on earth -- *other* than ego -- could cause a single
> > > > iteration of genus homo spapiens to declare that "where
> > > > *he* was at" was "the end?"
> > > 
> > > R: Ha! Yeah, just trying to convey as best I can, through 
> > > ego, something that is in truth utterly unconveyable, at 
> > > least by words. This is "something" that is *UNLIKE ANY 
> > > OTHER THING* a priori, inconceivable, indescribable, and 
> > > simultaneously utterly ordinary, always been here, always 
> > > will be, yet not, utterly perfect and utterly flawed. 
> > 
> TB: And "I" attained it, and deign to talk to you *anyway*.
> > Isn't that magnanimous of me?  :-)
> R: Yeah, "I" died. There was absolutely nothing to "attain." I gained 
> nothing; I lost everything; Now everything just Is. Just as it always has 
> been. Big whoop. Now what's for lunch? :-) 
> > > And so on. Utterly satisfying, utterly devastating. "No 
> > > man shall see the face of God and live" :-)
> > 
> TB: Yet someone in this discussion still seems to regard his
> > self as "I" and a "man." Go figure.
> R: Go figure indeed! I never claimed it was logical, or describable, or 
> conveyable in any real sense other than Being, or Love, from Being and to 
> Being. It appears only the grateful dead can know the grateful dead! Or, 
> maybe it's more accurate to say I simply have my head up my own ass! :-D
> > > > TB: I *honestly* do not see any "end" to the evolutionary
> > > > process, if it even exists. It goes on forever. Are you
> > > > honestly trying to make a case for some state of
> > > > consciousness being its "end?"
> > > 
> R: > Nope, that is why I put it "the end" in quotes. I am only 
> > > talking about the perception of one's primary identity 
> > > with something that is IN spacetime and therefore 
> > > undergoing evolution, through various states of 
> > > consciousness or whatever. 
> > 
> TB:> Something "you" left behind so long ago. We get it. 
> R: Ha! Yeah, one of Us died. Nothing happened. Alert the media! :-)
> > > That gave way to the That which upholds all of them 
> > > simultaneously.
> > 
> TB: So should we address you as "That" instead of "Rory?"
> > Just wondering...  :-)
> R: I am in a sense That functioning as a Rory, just as in a sense you are 
> That functioning as a Barry. We are the same Shit, different day :-)
> > > > > R
> > > > > was all about the ego getting what it finally, ultimately,
> > > > > painfully needed,...
> > > > 
> > > > TB: Please explain what this "it" you refer to refers to, if
> > > > not one's individual ego.
> > > 
> R:> Yes! One's individual ego AND the Wholeness itself. All the 
> > > same "stuff" finally and forever.
> > 
> > "Stuff" that still seems to feel the need to profess
> > its superiority to "lesser" versions of the same
> > "Stuff." What's up with that?
> R: Ha! If that's how you see it, well and good; more power to You! Actually I 
> have no idea about superiority or inferiority, "you" don't really exist for 
> me any more than "I" really do. I write here mainly because it sometimes 
> helps me -- or Us -- to clarify things, to appreciate more. Mainly because 
> it's enlivening and fun. 
> All I can say is, in one sense I am a whole lot "less" than I thought I 
> was... but probably will still be undergoing lessons of lessening for all 
> eternity :-)
> > > > > R: 
> > > > > > ...realizing with a flash of shock and awe that ego and "God"
> > > > > or reality or Truth were actually, finally, incredible as it
> > > > > might seem, *actually on the same page* and what the ego
> > > > > deep-down NEEDED, the Universe also NEEDED for the
> > > > > ego.
> > > > 
> > > > TB: We're waiting for you to explain how they are different,
> > > > this "ego" you refer to, and this "Universe" you refer to.
> > > 
> > > R: They are not! Not at ALL! But I didn't deep-down grok 
> > > that before.
> > 
> TB: But now you do. But we don't. 
> R: I have no idea if you do or not; my default assumption is everybody does; 
> it keeps things simple for me that way, and it is pretty radically dirt 
> simple. And though it is so simple it can't even be described, for some 
> reason I still love to keep trying and failing. Call it a hobby, or a 
> monomania, or egregious ego. It's all good; I don't really care.
> TB:> We get it. You rock, we don't. :-)
> R: I have no idea if you rock or not. That is utterly for you to say, not me. 
> It's your life, not mine. To me you were born rocking, you rock now, and you 
> will always rock, forever. You're perfect, as you always have been and always 
> will be. In fact, you're fucking Awesome, God incarnate. You may or may not 
> share that perception. I love you no matter what. That's how I rock, or at 
> least how I roll. :-) But if you are talking with me, I assume you're maybe 
> enjoying our exchange as I am. At least I hope so! 
> R. > > > That deep-down Reality actually did give a shit, was big
> > > > > enough to care about the tiny insignificant stuff like an
> > > > > ego too.
> > > > 
> > > > TB: How do I interpret this statement other than, "My ego is
> > > > SO cool that even the Creator must pay attention to it?"  :-)
> > > 
> > > HA! You are welcome to interpret it in any way you like! 
> > > "Egregious ego" works for me, and you and Judy will oddly 
> > > even be in agreement for once! :-)
> > 
> TB: Me and who? 
> R: You and your other half, the fucking Awesome Goddess incarnate :-)
> > > > > > TB: > > I'm more of a believer in "Shit just happens."  :-)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > R: 
> > > > > Yes, I am sure that That too is True :-)
> > > > 
> > > > TB: Then we have some possibility of future discourse. Home
> > > > in on that, and drop all this "*I* wanted it" or "God wanted
> > > > it" crap.
> > > 
> > > R: Sorry, no can do, to the exclusion of the other, if I 
> > > am to remain as true as I can be to the dynamics of what 
> > > it felt like then.
> > 
> T: Which, of course, "rules."  :-)
> R: Ha! You are a funny God, Barry! It "rules" only insofar as it put an end 
> to that particular "I"s seeking and comparisons and fear and striving and so 
> on. As I said, less and less! :-)
> > > > TB: Could you be happy with all that you have experienced in
> > > > life if there were NO "plan" behind it, NO "creator" or
> > > > "God" behind it, just randomicity?
> > > 
> > > R: Ha! I have utterly no idea if ultimately there is a 
> > > "plan" or a "creator" or if ultimately there is just 
> > > "randomicity" -- nor do I find that I even care. Self-
> > > examination tells me that "plan" and "randomicity" are 
> > > both perfectly correct views of the same "thing" -- Us. 
> > > Two sides of the same coin. Atman is Brahman, and all 
> > > That. AND a bag of chips.
> > 
> TB: Not to mention a five-pound sack full of ten pounds
> > of bullshit. But I digress...
> R: Indeed! 
> > > > > TB: 
> > > > > > Any of my "enlightenment" experiences -- WHATEVER the
> > > > > > fuck they were -- occurred when they fuckin' felt like
> > > > > > it, not when I felt like it. Has your experience been
> > > > > > different?
> > > > >
> > > > > R: That was ABSOLUTELY my experience, I would say, until
> > > > > the last few weeks before the "death" or "crucifixion" or
> > > > > Awakening or permanent shift of "Brahman remembering
> > > > > Brahman."
> > > > 
> > > > TB: Whatever. Asked to describe any of my "enlightenment
> > > > experiences," I'd have to stick with, "I just experienced a
> > > > brain fart." Different strokes for different folks.  :-)
> > > 
> > > R: Ha! Yep :-) Brain-fart works for me!
> > 
> TB: That *may* be all that it was. For anyone in human history.
> R: I enjoy different POVs! That one is funny! But then, I always did think 
> farts were kind of funny :-)
> > > > > R: During that last week or two boundaries started to melt as
> > > > > I found I could "talk myself into" or out of pretty much
> > > > > any state or experience at will, shifting my perceptions at
> > > > > their root via a kind of intellectual dialogue.
> > > > 
> > > > TB: And it never occurred to you that these "states or 
> > > > experiences" might be just fantasies that you...uh...
> > > > projected onto your self?
> > > 
> > > R: From one point of view, that's EXACTLY what they are, 
> > > and always have been, yeah! Nicely put.
> > > 
> > > > > > TB:
> > > > > > I mean, my first 24/7-for-several-weeks experience of
> > > > > > such an experience may have happened on a TM course,
> > > > > > which can be construed to have involved "wanting" or will,
> > > > > > but many of my subsequent experiences have not. I once
> > > > > > was hurled into a several-week period of "enlightenment
> > > > > > experiences" during a mugging attempt in Amsterdam. The
> > > > > > guy pulled his knife, and I transcended and "stayed
> > > > > > there" for quite a while. I also kicked his ass and
> > > > > > sent him away without his booty. :-)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Not meaning to shit on your party, I nonetheless would
> > > > > > be curious as to whether you feel you can detect a one-
> > > > > > to-one-relationship between you "wanting" to shift into
> > > > > > a different state of consciousness, and that happening.
> > > > >
> > > > > R: Yes, but only as everything drew to a close, as mentioned 
> > > > > above.
> > > > 
> > > > TB: Ah, "the close." That's a term that salesmen use, isn't 
> > > > it?  :-)
> > > 
> > > R: Ha! Yeah. I suppose I could take a page from Curtis and 
> > > describe it as "the perfect reach-around" :-)
> > > 
> > > > > > TB: In real time, that is. It's easy to create the illusion
> > > > > > of such an IF - THEN relationship in retrospect.  :-)  :-)  > > > > 
> > > > > R: Yeah, it was in real time, but as time -- or my belief in 
> > > > > its pre-eminence -- was rapidly evaporating.
> > > > 
> > > > TB: How cool for you.
> > > 
> > > R: Death is very cooling, yeah.
> > 
> T: So you're dead? Who exactly is it I am conversing with? 
> > Can you give me any inside tips as to where Elvis is now? :-)
> R: One of "me" died into Us. That's the best way "I" can put it at the 
> moment. As for Elvis, as far as "I" can see, he appears to be right here and 
> now, as he always was, is and shall be, only perhaps not in quite the same 
> localized form we all knew and loved :-)
> > > > > Thanks for the rap, Turq. I enjoyed this a lot :-) :-) :-)
> > > > 
> > > > TB: Just checking whether you're actually "rappable." :-)
> > > 
> > > R: I will try to do better in the "future." :-)
> > 
> TB: You'd have to, if there were to be a "future."
> R: Ha! Thanks Barry. "My" egregious ego really appreciates "yours"! 
> :-)

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