--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > cf. http://tinyurl.com/lah5w7c <http://tinyurl.com/lah5w7c>
> > >
> > > :-)
> >
> > We still need a customers review for this one. Anyone?
> Yes, I think one of the more articulate amongst us should raise
> the Robster's profile with a few kind words.

How 'bout if someone posts the following quotes as a review? It would be
a little unfair, because the person doing the reviewing doesn't think
much of the works by this particular author ("I don't like any of them:
they should all be burned!"), but he does have a view that seems to be
remarkably in accord with the research you posted earlier. That is, that
the author's *beliefs* and *conditioning* at the time caused him to see
things that weren't really there. In other words, that "belief drove his
perception" rather than vice-versa.

"...when I wrote the passage [from this book] which was posted on FFL I
was steeped in this Hindu reality. Transcendental Meditation—and
everything Maharishi added to that—created my enlightenment. Shi'a
Islam, as practised by Khomeini, evidently produced his enlightenment,
making it seem as it he was the Hidden Imam [what is the equivalent for
Shi'a Muslims of the Second Coming], and the exemplar of someone who
perpetually did the will of Allah [Maharishi in *The Science of Being
and The Art of Living* speaks of the enlightened person as doing the
will of God—what I would say was the will of the Impersonal God: the
same with myself—not, then, the Personal God]. But on that day in
March of 1982 I was experiencing the verification of my enlightenment,
because here was a human being exhibiting all the characteristics of
enlightenment albeit inside a context which took a different outward
form than my own enlightenment: Khomeini's being Shi'a Islam; mine being
Hindu (with a Western dramatic theme of 'individuation' thrown in).

"Now were I to see Khomeini in my present state of
consciousness—normal, waking state consciousness—on that same
day (March 1982), I would have perceived a human being who was
fanatical, deceived, mystical, and ultimately dislocated from
reality—just as I had been during the ten years in which I acted out
my enlightenment. But from what I could innocently experience (and if
you read the entire account from which this excerpt is taken you will
realize, if you are a TM initiator from the late sixties and seventies,
I am describing a phenomenon which is familiar to those of us who
surrendered ourselves to what we thought was the Perfect Master, someone
who was the embodiment of The Absolute) Khomeini was in the identical
state of consciousness that I was. Just on a grander scale. Shi'a Islam
had elevated him into a higher state of consciousness just as TM plus
had done the same thing for me."

"...I am sane now—at least I think I am, Barry,—but the person
who wrote that account of Ayatollah Khomeini, he was—although not
subject to the critical consciousness of anyone I met such as to
challenge my metaphysical integrity—mystically deceived, and living
inside a context of reality which was created by intelligences and
forces beyond his own control and understanding."

Uh-huh. Delusional then, when thinking that the Ayatollah Khomeini was
in Unity Consciousness (just like him) but so NOT delusional now, when
trying to blame all of this on "intelligences and forces beyond his own
control and understanding."

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