--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> Yep, went back and read posts 312097 and 299555.
> I pointed out to the "Muni of Monte Cassino" (a number of times)
> that none of the descriptions of his purported "Unity Consciousness"
> conform to Shankara's explanations - whether in the BrahmaSutraBhasya,
> UpanishadBhasya or BhagavadGitaBhasya.
> Such "grand enlightenment" appears to have been Robin's own
> neo-Advaitic epiphanies later aggrandized and grafted upon Maharishi's
> explanations.

Nuh-uh. Maharishi's teaching was where he first encountered
explanations of enlightenment.

> Maharishi's descriptions themselves are a form of
> neo-yogic advaita and Robin was unwilling to tacitly match his own
> purported "enlightenment" with the explanations of traditional
> advaita.

Right. He was a disciple of Maharishi.

> He wouldn't even continue a conversation bringing it up for
> consideration.
> This unwillingness was, for me, a clue to Robin's delusive
> self-absorption .

Actually it was completely irrelevant. Think about it for
a minute. What good would it have done him at this point to
consider matching his experience with that of other
descriptions? What good would it have done him back then,
for that matter?

You've really never made any sense on this topic, empty.

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