Swami Bhaktivedanta, a Vedantin, enumerates the five classical states of
consciousness which are similar to M:

1. Wakefulness (jagrat)
2. Dream state (svapna)
3. Deep sleep (sushupti)
4. Superconscious state (turiya)
5. Transcendent state (turiyatita)

Also see:

'OM Mantra and 7 Levels of Consciousness'
by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Share Long <sharelon...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> **
> Richard, either 2 or 3 should be sleep state of consciousness. Can't leave
> that out since maybe some people began TM to sleep better (-:
>   On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 9:26 AM, Richard J. Williams <
> pundits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   Apparently Vaj and emptybill are not realizing the source of
> Maharishi's Seven States typology. Since emptybill is too busy gazing at
> his navel, let us review what we know about MMY's seven state consciousness
> typology:
> Everyone knows, Maharishi's Seven States are drawn directly from Mandukhya
> Upanishad.
> According to what I've read, the 'seven states of consciousness' have
> become the standard used by most gurus, teachers, and exponents of both
> eastern and western spiritual and wisdom teachings and consciousness
> expanding techniques, for example Swami Rama of the Himalayas.
> The Seven States typology is a well defined explanation of the different
> states of consciousness humans must develop in order to reach
> enlightenment. This Seven States typology is easy for TMers to understand -
> I don't know why Vaj and emptybill want to confuse you and make it seem
> complicated. Go figure.
> So, it's pretty obvious by now that neither emptybill nor Vaj can actually
> elucidate Maharishi's 'Seven States of Consciousness', otherwise they would
> have done so by now!
> So, for the benefit of some TMers and for the non-TMers on the forum,
> these are the Seven States of Consciousness enumerated by the MMY:
> 1. Waking State Consciousness
> 2. Dream State Consciousness
> 3. Dream State Consciousness
> 4. Transcendental Consciousness
> 5. Cosmic Consciousness
> 6. God Consciousness
> 7. Unity Consciousness
> On 10/14/2013 11:02 PM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:
>  Well Tea House ...
>  You didn't say exactly when you were leaving but the link you provided
> was enough to assay the quality. Perhaps you didn't realized that I
> received training in Buddhism by Professor Alfonso Verdu. Under his
> tutelage, I received extensive teachings about Yogachara/Vijñanavada,
> Madhyamaka and HwaYen/Kegon.
>  You also don't appear to realize that my current teacher is Younge
> Khachab Rimpoche VII, who is a Tibetan Khenpo-Geshe Rabjam and focuses
> particularly upon classical Mahayana, four and nine level Tantra, the Ganga
> Mahamudra of Tilopa/Naropa and the Dzogchen transmissions of Vimalamitra
> and Longchenpa. Khachab has stayed at my house and has been very generous
> with his personal teachings to me. I state it this way so you realize that
> I have been over this stuff before and don’t intend to waste time analyzing
> arguments by the like of Prairie Dog Willy or your blogging-friend Kevin
> Whatever.
>  So sorry Ol' Tea House ...  but the site only proffers old academic
> ideas long refuted and dismissed. Perhaps it all appeared clever to you but
> it only wasted my time. Glad though that you know who is and who is not
> "enlightened". Perhaps you'll 'spanit to me because I do not find
> illumination in your undefined idea of 'lighten-mint' - which really only
> really means the *Germanic Aufklärung*.
>  And don't gime more of MMY's 7 states. I was trained as a TM teacher and
> though it took me awhile to realize that he just made this stuff up, I
> certainly don’t intend to listen to it again.
> ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
> <no_re...@yahoogroups.com><no_re...@yahoogroups.com>wrote:
>  Empty, I'm soon out of town, so no time now to give you a deserving
> answer. But since you like to pontificate with the voice of RAM aka  James
> Swartz, I owe it to my close friend and Tiru resident Kevinanandaji, to
> expose you to his satirizing him. Here, take this, about your new found
> hero: http://chi-ting.blogspot.de/search/label/James%20Swartz%20%28Ram%29(and 
> don't take it too serious!)
> ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
> <fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com><fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com>wrote:
>  Questioner:   *So you’re talking about Yoga and Vedanta to give some
> sort of context to his enlightement?*
> Ram:  Yes.  Now that Ramana is getting fame it is rather sad to see all
> these Western people coming to Tiruvannamalai with absolutely no notion of
> the context of his enlightenment and his life, with no understanding of the
> depth of the Vedic tradition and burdened with amazing and ill-considered
> views of enlightenment based on their Ramana fantasies.
> Anyway, Ramana’s type of realization, because it did not occur at the feet
> of a guru in a traditional Vedantic classroom, is more in line with the
> tradition of Yoga, although most yogis do not become *jnanis* as Ramana
> did.  His lifestyle too, sitting in meditation in a cave, is more typical
> of the yogic tradition than the Vedantic.  The reason *yogis* do not
> usually become *jnanis* is because they have often been confused by the
> language of Yoga into thinking of enlightenment as a permanent experience
> of *samadhi.*  So when the experience is ‘on’ they are not looking to
> understand anything, they are simply trying to make the state permanent, *
> sahaja*.  The joke is that enlightenment is not an experience, nor is
> there any permanent experience.   Furthermore, they do not realize that
> to make an experience permanent one would have to be a doer, an agent
> acting on the experience, maintaining it or controlling it or staying in it
> … which is a dualistic state, not enlightenment.

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