Oh, I get it - the TMers are stupid to try and fly but you're smart when you claimed Rama could levitate. And you're smart when you gave MMY $5,000 and Rama $10,000 to learn how to fly, and I paid $35 to learn TM. Yeah, Wright. LOL!


On 10/16/2013 8:32 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> Alright, I get it - post anything to make us TMers look stupid.

No, you really *don't* get it.

No one needs to "post anything" to accomplish this when the
TMers themselves still believe that they're "flying" when they
bounce around on their butts on slabs of foam, when they
assert that doing this changes the weather and prevents crime
and causes world peace, and believe there is going to be a "TM
Renaissance" Any Day Now, nigh unto the Merv Griffin days,
during which millions of people will suddenly realize how
great it is to be a TMer and that they should become one, too.

There is a term for such beliefs, but it's not "stupid." It's

Just sayin'...

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