"So, let's sum up what we know ... " 

 This is the sure sign of a scammer.

 You are so ignorant you don't even know the basic stuff. Any self-respecting 
Indian (who isn't a communist) always has 20-30 mantras on-hand just in case 
there is need to get the "gods" favor for something. 
 "Maybe so but ..." is the confession of a deceiver who believes that just by 
endlessly repeating a claim others will believe it. 
 Patanjali said the pranava was the name/designation of Ishvara. Repetition of 
the pranava and contemplation of it leads to realization of its meaning. 


 Judy was quite right. You are a FFL troll. You don’t know anything but shit 
you read. You are an arrogant fool. 


 Oh … did I mention that you are also a cheat and a thief? 

 Maybe so but …

 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote:

 So, let's sum up what we know about the bija mantras used in TM. 

 It has already been established that MMY got one single bija mantra from his 
teacher SBS. It has also been established that SSRS cribbed the list of bijas 
from MMY. It has NOT been established that SSRS has had a tantric yoga teacher 
other than MMY. Let's face it - the bija mantras used in TM were cribbed from a 
tantra yoga book. Why would SBS give a whole list of bijas to MMY if SBS didn't 
even endorse MMY to teach tantra?

 According to SBS, the monosyllable 'OM' isn't a bija (seed) sound at all - 
it's just a place-holder for the bija given in initiation. The Pranava is OM, 
but OM is not a bija, it;s just a symbol for the Vedic Sun God. If there were 
any bijas to meditate on when Patanjali compiled the Yoga Sutras he would have 
mentioned them, would he not? Or, the historical Buddha would have mentioned 

 Or, MMY would have said that the TM bija mantras came from the Vedas. Or, 
Larry Domash would have told us the bijas came from the Vedas. They did not.

 So, it would seem that the Marshy got confused - instead of extolling the 
Vedas, he should have been promoting the Tantras. Apparently there are no 
'bija' mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. In order to establish the TM 
practice, the Marshy should have been explaining how TM came to use the tantric 
bija mantras.

 From what I've read, TM practice and the use of bijas comes from the Sri 
Vidya, and not from the Rig Veda. Sri Vidya is a tantric sect, purportedly 
founded by Shankaracharya. Swami Brahmanand Saraswati was a member of the Sri 
Vidya - all the Saraswati dasnamis are headquarted at Sringeri. SBS's guru, 
Swami Krishanand Saraswati, was from Sringeri. The primary symbol of the Sri 
Vidya is the Shri Yantra, not the OM symbol.

 So, it's obvious that TM adherents should be looking to the Tantras, such as 
the 'Saundaryalahari' for the origins of TM, not the to the Vedas. The Rig Veda 
has little to say about yoga practices such as 'TM'. The Rig Veda is based on 
sacrificial rituals, dedicated to appeasing the celestial beings that control 
the forces of nature, such as earth, wind and fire, etc. 

 The Devatas, such as Krishna, Balarama, Vasudeva, and Ramchandra are deified 
heroes of Indian mythology. There are no 'istadevatas' mentioned in the Rig 
Veda, so how could there be any istadevata bija mantras? Go figure.

 The use of bijas came a long time after the composition of the Rig Veda, 
during the Gupta age in India. Bija mantras are products of the Indian 
alchemists, not the Vedic Rishis. The Rig Veda was probably compiled before the 
Aryan speakers even arrived in India. 


 On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 2:38 PM, <emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@...> wrote:
 Prairie Dog Troll

 You are such an ignorant, pseudo-intellectual bullshitter that you'll make any 
kind of claim just to appear like you know something. I would call you a liar 
but in actuality you are just arrogantly stupid.
 Patanjali talks extensively about OM you fool. He uses the standard vedic term 
pranava. See YS 1.27 -  tasya vâcaka.h pra.nava.h “(His) designation is the 
pranava (pronouncement)”.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in the sense that the transmission of certain 
teachings only occurs directly from teacher to student during an initiation or 
empowerment and cannot be simply learned from a book.
 Idiot! I’ve had a Vajrayana and Dzogchen teacher for a decade. You are only a 
stinking troll parroting something you read in a book. You don’t know shit 
about Vajrayana.
 Prairie Dog sez:
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure.
 Brahmarishi Devarata said that the supreme bija of the Rg Veda is Im, of Yajur 
Veda is Shri and of the Upanishads is the pranava Om. 
 The supreme bija of Prairie Dog yoga is Duh!
---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
<punditster@...> wrote:

 It is a fact that here are no bija mantras mentioned in the Rig Veda. So, how 
would the SSRS know any bijas from being a Vedic Pandit?
 There are no bija mantras mentioned by Patanjali. The historical Buddha 
doesn't mention any bija mantras. So, the bija mantras usage must have come 
AFTER the rise of Buddhism (463 BC) in India and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (200 
 The Siddha tradition of using bija mantras can be traced back to the Vajrayana 
Buddhism which probably began at Odisha, or in the modern day Swat Valley in 
what is now Pakistan during the Gupta Age. Vajrayana Buddhism is esoteric, in 
the sense that the transmission of certain teachings only occurs directly from 
teacher to student during an initiation or empowerment and cannot be simply 
learned from a book. 
 So, SSRS get the bija mantras from MMY without even becoming a TM teacher -  
it has not been established where and from whom MMY got the list of bijas, but 
you only get one bija in TM - so how did MMY and SSRS get to know all the bija 
mantras? They probably read about the bija mantras in a  yoga book. Because no 
TM teacher would give out seventeen different bijas to one student. Go figure. 
 On 10/26/2013 11:20 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:

   SSRS, although a mahapundit of the four vedas, should have asked you first. 
Although he had a number of teachers other than MMY, he  obviously never asked 
permission from you - the "punditster". I'm sure he regrets the omission to 
this day.
 I'm also sure you could clarify his pronunciation of the riks, reveal the 
hidden connections between between the vaious chhanda-s. Maybe you could obtain 
the blessing of the deva-s and get him authorized for using these cheating 
bijas stolen from the Buddhists. 
 You should call him and offer to help him out. However, I wouldn't use your 
Prairie Dog credentials. Rather you should just introduce yourself as a pandit 
dedicated to cleaning up the fallen lineage of pseudo-pandits using fake bijas. 
You could give him a copy of the The Tantric Tradition by Leopold Fischer 
(agehananda bharati) and just point out "You need to read this and stop ripping 
everyone off!"
 So great of you to consider this. 
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
<punditster@...> mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Under whose authority would the SSRS be giving out any bija mantras? If you 
can't reveal where MMY got the bijas, so how could you say SSRS got any bijas? 
There aren't any bijas mentioned in the Vedas. From what I've read, SSRS, like 
Deepak Chopra and Charlie Lutes, never became TM teachers by completing a TTC. 
So, how would they be knowing any bijas? Go figure.
 On 10/24/2013 7:41 PM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
 Authfriend: Today at 8:16 AM 
 So what would the problem be if "OM" wasn't included in a maha-mantra but 
rather along with, say, a bija mantra like what TM uses? Did Sri Sri give out 
bija mantras, or just the maha-mantras?
 SSRS does indeed give out bija-mantras for meditation. However, I was never 
taught his sahaj-meditation technique so I did not receive one of his chosen 
meditation bija-mantras. 
 What I asked him for (asked four times over a 7 year period) was 
"guru-mantra". When he finally gave it to me it was a maha-mantra that "named" 
the source of our teaching lineage. If you consider the guru-puja which is 
performed at initiation then you can guess which  mantra. I received it along 
with another one of SSRS's teachers who often stayed at my house. According to 
that teacher, he also received the same maha-mantra (it includes om).
 I couldn't have asked for a better mantra. I use it after my tm-mantra and 
before I perform sanyama on a few select sutras that work especially well for 
 SSRS did tell me and that all the different bija-mantras naturally merge into 
the om sound at the finest level. 
 BTW - the sankhya-yoga scholar said the same ... no problem with using om if 
sheltered in a longer mantra.  



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