Doc, before you leave entirely like so many others before you I just wanted to 
acknowledge your Presence here. I have always appreciated your illumined 
conversation here very much and I will miss you very much in the mix up here. 
I've never even really cared what they said about you much because of the way 
you carry your enlightenment. While this place could certainly be so much more 
spiritually, the place is really not what it set out to be now and I appreciate 
your decision to vacate it. I notice you are very present over on 
and I will eventually follow you there. I will miss you here in the meantime. 
Have you found any other spiritual planets like the original FairfieldLife had 
set out to be on the internet? It is a shame Rick and the FFL moderators let it 
slide so bad the way it has. It does not seem that even the Yahoo-guidelines 
against unkindness as a form of absentee landlord can not even salvage the 
place. I do feel it was just bad upbringing on the part of some few entering 
the saloon who wrecked the place so bad. Bon Voyage. Send postcards when you 
can. I knew you back in Missouri days and liked you even then, 
 -Buck back in the Dome

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