Ann, it's an interesting topic: what constitutes initiating violence against 
another? With this wording I'm excluding violence that a person uses to defend 
themselves or their loved ones. So again, what constitutes initiating violence 
or harm against another? Does it encompass only physical harm? Can 
psychological harm be included? I think as people deal with cyberbullying, 
these kind of issues will receive more attention.

What also comes to mind is the whole issue of secondary cigarette smoke. Many 
places outlaw that now.  Maybe because there's proof that it harms others 
physically. Same with loud noises, for example, around hospitals often there's 
a law against loud noises.

Ann, I think your ideas about this are very compassionate and evolved. I also 
think it opens up the possibility of abuse and censorship.
 I doubt that everyone will agree on what constitutes initiating violence 
against another that does not include actual physical harm. But I think as 
humans evolve, we'll find some way to treat people compassionately and deal 
with their wrong doing in a way that protects society while treating the wrong 
doer justly but humanely. 

On Monday, January 6, 2014 8:19 PM, "" 
<> wrote:
But, the thing is, in his "fight" to protest and in turn his hope to have gay 
marriages banned or made unlawful heis doing a kind of violence. The form his 
violence is taking is to judge and ultimately condemn the validity and the 
power of love and the desire to commit, in the form of marriage, between two 
human beings of the same gender. The nature of his protest is not killing or 
maiming people but the end result would be to deny a percentage of the adult 
population the opportunity to show and enact their devotion to one another in 
the form of marriage, something heterosexuals get to do all the time. This is, 
in my view, a twisted sort of injustice and therefore as bad as physical 
violence or terrorism. 

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