On 01/22/2014 11:29 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
> On 01/22/2014 12:21 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >
> > */But almost no one writes about the spiritual experiences they have
> > on a daily basis. /*
> Perhaps because they aren't narcissistic enough to want to brag about them?
> Or do you really want to read a bunch of noise about silence? :-D

*/Interestingly, teachers in the past have never shirked from the basically impossible task of trying to express silence. Some have done it quite eloquently, like the Zen masters and poets of Japan, who managed to turn the subjective experience of silence into high art.

/*Silence is silence. A number of folks have posted on FFL about experiencing silence in activity. No big deal. Maybe it is if you are not experiencing it. Those who have, made and got the t-shirt. ;-)


> Perhaps those who are experiencing enlightenment would like to talk
> about the application of that such as perceptions of global or local
> political events. Or the weather. Or food. Or football..

*/Perhaps they'd rather not even try, out of fear of not being able to convey their experience in a way that could touch another human being and possibly inspire them./*

/*If people want to be inspired why waste time trying to get it on a chat group in the Internet age? Just go read some shastra or watch some of the chanting on YouTube.

Problem on FFL is that if someone claims they are having a good experience or their experience doesn't fall within the rather poor definitions of enlightenment that MMY gave then they are told they aren't experiencing enlightenment. I know a number of folks who have experienced silence in activity starting back in the 1970s. I also know folks who have said they only have transcended a few times practicing TM.

I was also thinking about the Buck's complaining that folks were falling asleep during program in the dome. I wonder if he asked them if they were witnessing that sleep. They might be and experiencing the delta wave state which is very much like sleep but not atotal blank out. I've experienced that myself meditating.

FFL is NOT a weekend residence course that needs to be shepherded by a course leader.


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