I never tried the stuff, and thus can't comment on it, but I wanted to
comment on the clarity, balance, and yes, creativity with which you
described it. Nice.

Fascinating speculation about fantasy visions having been triggered by a
naturally-occurring DMT trip. Having seen the original cave paintings at
Lascaux and other prehistoric European caves, I think they might have
been inspired by similar bursts of brains getting creative on their own

I also loved the Burroughs line. I recently saw an Anthony Bourdain show
about Tangier, and the creative crowd who lived there for some time,
Burroughs being a prime member. I'm familiar with his tastes in Better
Living Through Chemistry. If *he* was scared by DMT, there just might be
something to be scared of. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Re "Since you took DMT, what did you personally experience?  How did
you feel?  Did you see any visions?":
>  Within seconds of inhaling the stuff visions are popping up in your
entire visual field. Weird, jester-type images - so fleeting you don't
get a chance to make sense out of the experience. (As impressive as the
images are I always felt it was my own mind creating them; it's just
that my mind is a lot more creative than I generally give it credit
>  DMT has to be the drug of the Trickster god - it's like finding
yourself inside a brightly coloured comic-strip with the Joker in charge
of events. In certain moods, it could all seem hilarious; Life as a
cosmic joke. The problem is that it only takes a slight nudge for "joke"
to turn into an insane madhouse ride with no purchase left for reason or
any enduring values. I only tried it a few times; those who take it a
lot have said that a bad trip on DMT is 1) inevitable, and 2) even
scarier than a bummer on LSD. I'm happy to leave such journeys to
committed "psychonauts". Alan Watts' verdict on DMT as "amusing but
relatively uninteresting" sounds about right to me.
>  My initial interest in the psychedelic was simply that DMT occurs
naturally in our brains - generated by the pineal gland (!) - and
probably has a role to play in our dreaming state. Because so many
people who take the stuff experience visions of elf-like creatures
trying to interact with them there's an intriguing speculation doing the
rounds that people in the medieval past who had experiences of being
transported to caves inhabited by fairy beings, and people today who
have visions of being taken aboard UFOs by alien beings were/are
essentially having an involuntary DMT trip caused by their pineal gland
suddenly releasing too much of the chemical. (The whole experience lasts
from 15 to 30 minutes.) Popular science writer Clifford A. Pickover has
examined these theories if you're interested (but hasn't himself taken
the drug.). Follow this link and then click on the "DMT, Aliens, and
God" link.
>  http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/sdee-book.html
>  If you're ever tempted to try the stuff bear in mind that William
Burroughs was scared shitless by the drug.

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