
 "I've written about it here before: knowledge of previous lives. In every case 
the knowledge has helped me understand the dynamics of the relationship in this 
lifetime. So maybe we'll get a sidhi on an as needed basis!"


 Yes, I've read those posts mentioning this.  I just wanted to make sure what 
siddhi it is you're talking about.  Anyway, I believe that knowledge of past 
lives is a good proof that human consciousness belongs in the higher dimensions 
above the space-time continuum.

 That means, that while in samadhi, the person can literally see above the 
horizon of space-time.  Thus, he or she can see the distant past and the 
distant future.

 But even in the regular waking consciousness, a person can remember his or her 
past during the present lifetime and can have a reasonable control of the 
future by planning and with some intuition.  This too qualifies as a separate 
dimension above space-time.

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