On Oct 12, 2005, at 9:43 PM, akasha_108 wrote:

Does the switching experience I described correspond to any types of

"standard" transmissions that you are aware of?

Anything's possible but nothing specific I could add.

Does the clothng I described, white cloak, hood, dark bue symbol laden

embrodery ring a bell for any monastic or adept orders of children for

which you are familiar? Either now/ 1960's or any time in the past?

Not particularly although there is the white sangha (as opposed to the red one) which are lamas/gurus which marry (rather then being celibate), although they don't necessarily wear blue are part of their get up. I'm not real familiar with Chinese and Japanese spirituality other than Taoism.

Are there / were there any 10 year old adepts doing such transmissions?

Sure. Often reincarnated lamas, etc. begin teaching at an early age--some when they are half that age.

But it just seems to fit together in a way. Maybe just an unknown,

that is, unconscious (to me) ego mechanism flaming up to make me feel


Perhaps, perhaps also a past life memory. In some cases, past life memories are only remembered towards the beginning of our lives, when we are children.

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