As the TM Movement turned increasingly toward India, sidhas living in 
Fairfield became emboldened to experiment with other holistic health 
therapies and even rival meditation methods. By doing this they violated
 Maharishi’s order to “keep the teaching pure” and met varying degrees 
of censure. The worst offenders, those meditators who met with rival 
Hindu gurus (usually called “saints” in Fairfield-speak), were often 
barred from meditating in the domes. 

This was a serious punishment for 
people who had sacrificed their former lives to move to Iowa to create 
world peace through group meditation. Eventually, so many meditators 
were barred from the domes that the punishment lost its power, and it 
became impossible for the TMO to muster the number of sidhas necessary 
to produce the Maharishi Effect. 

Perhaps recognizing this, the TMO has 
recently relented (as of 2012), allowing large numbers of repentant 
sidhas back into the domes. 

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