You voted for him now you own it. That's the important point.Your guy
pulled all the U,S, troops out of Iraq and dropped the ball - now he's
going back into Iraq - to destroy the al Queda-ISIL. You are either with us
or against us. Make up your mind.

*"The United States has conducted more than 150 airstrikes in Iraq against
ISIS, and Secretary of State John Kerry has said nearly 40 nations have
agreed to contribute to the fight against the militants."*

'Who is doing what in the coalition battle against ISIS?'

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Duveyoung <> wrote:

> Gunna have to give the win to Steve here....I think I took it to be an
> elbow in the ribs as he room jive.
> And maybe mostly too my "Stop eating. Die." gobsmacker was suchlike, but I
> do contend that fasting to death is a perfect way to arrange the end of
> life.  Seems all the scriptures everywhere got a soft spot for tapas.  So,
> if I had a lesser technique to offer to Richard, I would offer it, but,
> shape up any other way.  This is my story and I'm sticking to it.  Hee hee.
> And of course, as a topic, suicide has crossed my desk as much as
> anyone's, er probably.  Have I mindfully processed more than three thoughts
> in a row about it as a personal choice due to intolerable personal
> circumstance? -- nah....
> Cuz, surprise!, I'm a narcissist and coward and fascinated with the
> productivity of my consciousness.  I got a first row seat inside a brain,
> and I mean to enjoy it.  Confession: I still will tell folks that life is
> here to enjoy, ya know?  I love that concept, and I learned it at the
> "feet" of Maharishi -- that God's reason to create was the expansion of
> happiness.
> I've written about it MANY times.
> But here, it's not so easy to present ones little darlings and wait for
> them to be hacked with rusty machetes.
> I write in many a venue, ya wouldn't even recognize me in some of
>, maybe.  Yep, I do "bonsai trim" my personality for each.
>  Some places have never heard a swear word outta me.  Other places I have
> picked fights -- politics, morality, etc. with strangers who must be
> corrected -- you know the drill.   I was kicked out of a trikking forum
> because they didn't like me griping about them allowing porn to be posted
> when we had under-18yer kids posting at the forum.  About six Facebookers
> have unfriended me because I insisted that Jesus couldn't be at all like
> their Jesus.  Like that, I have tilted at windmills and lost.
> My online life's a masquerade ball.  You?  Anyone here want to confess to
> putting a good foot forward?
> I came into FFL angry with my first post.  I think I set a tone there that
> I have ridden as a dynamic suitable to this venue.  A little bristle goes a
> long way.  Keeps the party goers from spilling your drink.
> I do regret more than a few posts.  But the chips have fallen where they
> usual.
> ---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :
> I think if I were sitting at a restaurant bar, or a coffee bar, and Edg
> said to me what he posted, I would likely say, "well why don't you fuckin'
> kill yourself then"
> Now maybe Edg would have taken offense to that, but that is, often,
> wayback, how men often talk to one another.
> I am sorry if you were offended by it, and I am sorry if I offended Edg.
> But that is a banter I am comfortable with, and I think I have been on
> both ends of it.
> I try not to take offense when people call me on my sh*t, or what they
> perceive as my sh*t.
> With the exception of certain business situations, or among polite
> company, I would not consider myself particularly politically correct.
> ---In, <wayback71@...> wrote :
> Ann,
> I don't read most posters here on FFL and read less and less as time
> passes. Some I really enjoy, even though they might be rough. I know that
> many people (not just Barry) can get tough.   We all write things that we
> would not really say in person to someone else. I am sure that is true re
> 7th ray in this instance. But those words cross a line, for me, given that
> you can't read Edg's face or sense his mood in person.  7th ray simply made
> a mistake, I think.You may feel differently.  I stick with what I said.

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