I feel this is completely unfair and unrealistic: “What other group would 
proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's ludicrous in itself) 
Hagelin did?  Groups certainly defend themselves against others and have a 
right to do that for survival against others. That is part of the life of 
having groups to belong to. Well run corporations do it. Well run countries do 
this by running vision and mission. Let me quote to you George Washington or 
Abraham Lincoln or Winston. Actually I have paraphrased them all and many 
others many times here. 
 They certainly were effective leaders doing what they came to do in time and 
Hagelin too. But you people, are as cold and immovable as stone weight. Is it 
no wonder that you are so withdrawn to the blessings of the movement? Like 
Buddha the compassionate one on earth we meditate in the Dome here for you,
 Let there be Peace, -Buck



 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Hammond's Nov. 30 TM Meeting
  It is the job of a good leadership to cheer-lead the corporate [communal] 
mission and organization for life in the organization to be effective. I can 
understand that you may have trouble with this. That is okay as some people 'do 
groups' better than others. That is a characteristic or skill-set that comes in 
combination proly somewhere between nature and nurture. But I would expect that 
John Hagelin should respond and set the record straight as to where the 
main-line existing TM community is with this. -Buck

 It certainly is okay that John Hagelin is leading the group this way. Our 
group here. Not many are able this way. He has my support and I wish him well 
in success for all of us meditating here,
 -Buck Still in the Dome

 turquoiseb wrote :

 From: feste37

 This is just too silly for words. If the emphasis is on "assessing the 
content," why is it being promoted as being a message from MMY? The truth is 
that for some weird reason, Hammond is using this ploy to promote his own 
views. If he just gave a talk himself, no one would be interested. So he has 
hit on this ludicrous marketing ploy. As I commented earlier, I am astonished 
that anyone is taking this seriously. 

While I agree that the whole scenario is too silly for words, what does it say 
about the incredible gullibility and susceptibility of TMers *that* it's being 
taken seriously? 

In what other group would its members actually fall for this? 

What other group would proactively attempt to squelch it, as "Raja" (that's 
ludicrous in itself) Hagelin did? 

This is great theater. I hope *some* reporters actually attend, and write it up 
or do a TV bit about it. Can't you just imagine the headline/teaser? 

 Leaders Of TM Cult Freak Out Over Advice From Beyond The Grave 
Sent By Original "Sexy Sadie" Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

 MJ;  Son, you're as bad as Hamas (Abdel Aziz Ali Abdul Majid al-Rantisi, for 
instance  ) and not much better with your constant attack denying even the 
right of the very existence of the main-line TM community. -Buck

 mjackson74 wrote :
 Buck, I can't believe that here you are a grown man, able to drive a tractor, 
write letters, brew coffee, tend to sheep and everything and you act like you 
just fell off the turnip truck.

 Hagelin, Morris, Raja Tony and all the other pin heads that run the Movement 
don't give a crap what the main line TM community think. They all think that 
whatever they tell the TM'ers is what the TM community should believe even if 
it directly contradicts what they have said in the past. 


 Marshy taught them to do this and if you can't see that, then you need to go 
live in an ashram where you don't have to drive or be out in society or nothing 
cause you coping and understanding skills would seem to be minimal.




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