Buck is right. The hate MJ represents is on the same level of extremity as any 
terrorrist. The only difference is he hasn't crossed the line into violence, 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Om No, MJ you misrepresent me here. I likened you and the nature of your 
extreme hate and behavior to be like Hamas and said I could empathize with 
Obama in his having to dealing with ISIS and that level of such threats for 
instance. I can 'understand' his position. Groups certainly have some rights to 
defend themselves for their life against terrorism and attack which may 
threaten their very existence. You are a good example of that attack and 
terrorism for the TM community. I find you terribly interesting in this by 
 Once again in the news we have an example of  'group coalescing' to protect 
themselves individually and their very life to exist as a group: 
 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called the events on Parliament Hill 
"an attack on our values." 
 Stephen Harper described the attacker as a terrorist and promised to 
"redouble" anti-terror efforts. 
 "In fact, this will lead us to strengthen our resolve and redouble our 
efforts... to take all necessary steps to identify and counter threats and keep 
Canada safe." 
 Om Canada!
 -Buck in the Dome


 mjackson74 writes: 

 This from the guy who said I  and people like me should be targeted with drone 





 ? “..the role of principle Barry hater - and you have to admire the gusto!” 
 No, we all rate posts as we may read them on spectrum; from posts that make: 
Observations, to suggestions, to criticism, by negativity and tone, to 
apostasy, thence to active anger and hating. In reading these posts I feel Ann 
through reading the individual postings here simply lost some faith more in 
Turq by her better understanding of his writing and approach here after reading 
the Lenz book that was posted here. It is that simple also. 
  I always read the Turq and feel he has a valid perspective from having 'been 
there' at a time, by his contrast with spiritual experience like Fleet's, and 
now I feel I have an even better understanding of him as a critic from this 
recent Freddy Lenz/Rama thread on FFL. Context often is everything.

 That is something that is particularly good about the writing on FFL, that it 
often can render down what is truth. Judy was very much part of that process 
when she was here. Ann also helps with that by virtue of her mind about things 
and by life experience as context about things here. Some here have been pricks 
and Ann may be prickly towards people at times.  Rick seems to welcome almost 
everyone contributing to the related topics of FairfieldLife. I thank Rick for 
that. Public forum is often one of the best checks against theocratic tyranny.

 There was an amazing open meeting last night in meditating Fairfield where 
everything was on the table in front of a bunch of the higher-up apparatchiks 
of the new TM movement. For upward pressures on the organization being beyond 
theocratic control, FFL has long been a part of the calculus of the meditating 
Fairfield communal culture.
 There is a lot of change going on inside right now by virtue of the attention 
of public forum. Turq in his way has been part of that for years by force of 
his experience, personality and writing. I would miss him if he gets entirely 
hounded or completely embarrassed off of this forum. In the same way I feel it 
was really mean the way they hounded Judy personally off this list and out of 
this community. Rick and the moderators should have stopped that before the end.
 I would hope we could all be kinder with one another in process.
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Buck in the Dome


 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:48 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Hating Turq and Belief in God is a form of 
mental illness
  In the same way I feel it was really mean the way they hounded Judy 
personally off this list and out of this community. Rick and the moderators 
should have stopped that before the end. 

 Huh? I don't remember Judy being hounded off the list. She got no more 
kickback than usual anyway. In fact, she gave every impression of revelling in 
a good row. And she'd amassed a group of fans, I recall she just quit posting 
and that was that.

 I would hope we could all be kinder with one another in process. 

 It's the wild, wild web Buck. It's just the way things are done, there's 
trolls everywhere, I don't think Barry is one of them either.

 So, what happened at the meeting, who said what and what are they going to do 
about it?



 Jai Guru Dev, 
 -Buck in the Dome 



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