On 10/24/2014 7:52 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
It's one thing to actually believe the delusional crap he seems to believe about Maharishi and the non-existent ME. That's just a senile person refusing to let go of the delusions he glommed onto as a youth.
/"The only reason Richard's percentage of total posts was so low during the week ending August 30 is that Dan Friedman tried to emulate Richard's "Net terrorist" approach and made 252 posts of his own, increasing the noise but decreasing Richard's noise ratio. - /TurquoiseB/
Where he crosses the line is in calling you a "terrorist." That's a pretty dangerous thing to brand someone with in this day and age on an Internet forum on which it can be accessed by any search engine. Rick reacted properly a while back when I pointed out to him that Richard was going around calling Michael a criminal, implying (falsely) that he was selling drugs, which is a felony in Iowa.
/Correction: Richard was complaining because it appeared as if "Michael" wasn't putting *enough* weed in the cookies - not that Michael was "selling" drugs on the MUM campus. Michaela had already claimed that //weed smoking was rampant on campus at the time. It was a joke, Barry, but you ran to Rick like a fink. Go figure./
Rick promised to ban Richard if he did it again. Now "Buck" is calling people "terrorists" for simply criticizing the cult he belongs to. Yeah, we all know he's senile, but there has to be a limit to what he's allowed to get away with.
/"There is no sanity left there to appeal to in a person who posts this compulsively, and this consistently compulsively. Nuke this guy so we can forget him entirely, as if he had never existed." - /TurquoiseB/


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