"Also anyone who believes that Huxley was advocating the world depicted in 
Brave New world should read his prologue to Brave New World Revisited.  BNW was 
a warning not a plan.": 

 Yes, but . . .
 Orwell's 1984 was a warning - no one ever wanted to create that kind of set-up.
 Brave New World is also a warning - but what makes it on the button is that 
people *do* want to create many aspects of that society. Because being 
beautiful, staying young, having lots of guilt-free sex, relaxing with 
side-effect free soma drugs, etc, etc does have *some* attraction if you are 
human and are plain-looking, feeling the effects of age, inhibited sexually and 
getting anxious. Because Huxley was also a human being he shared those 
fantasies and his attitude towards his Brave New World was more nuanced than 
people usually understand. 
 The crux is this: if you *did* suddenly find yourself living in that very BNW  
(let's say younger and more becoming than you are in reality!) and you were 
given the choice of being tele-transported back to your current situation in 
2014 would you return?



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