Sorta funny to  hear this from the guy who apparently spends the majority of 
his time at work, posting to FFL. 

 Like I said, coming up short in the "achievement" department is a sure recipe 
to develop a bad case of victim mentality. 

 That, and wanting to boss people around.

 The common Sal rejoinder:

 "You, yea you.  Scram!  I don't care for your posting content.

 FFL Member: "What? What did I do wrong?"

 Sal: "This site is strictly for members of the COW. I've decided you don't 
belong.  We only allow content aligned with the tenants of the COW."

 FFLM: "I thought you guys were the big advocates of free speech, open 
discussion, that sort of thing?"


 Sal: (gritting teeth, spitting out words)  LIKE. I. SAID.  Free speech that is 
aligned with the tenants outlined in the COW. That is what we allow here. Now, 
absconde illigetimo obeseri!"

 FFLM: "Oooookay. Have a good day"


---In, <> wrote :

 When you start replying to your own posts on internet forums it's probably 
time to re-evaluate your life and find something useful to do.

---In, <reverse_archery@...> wrote :

 LOL - I love the over the top drama of this "goodbye and thanks for all the 
fish" letter, from FIVE YEARS AGO! You can almost hear the violins in the 
background. I have mentioned to Barry that he is welcome to apply for 
membership at The Peak, but I haven't heard back yet...  :-} :-) :-)
---In, <> wrote :

 Nothing you would know about it would you? 

 :-) :-) :-) 

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I mean, one of them ran away 11 months ago, the other ran away 6 months ago, 
and yet they're still here, still pretending they aren't. 


 It's like they're addicted to the sensation of the door hitting them in the 
ass on their way out. 







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