A corporate-funded political system leads to state 
capitalism.   A state-funded political system leads to 
non-state capitalism.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions _Index#2014 

--- <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 What's that got to do with anything? The political process has been hijacked 
long ago by the monied interests. Voter fraud occurs in many races on both 
Republican and Democrats side. Depends which side is running the precincts

From: "jr_esq@...  <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>

 Where have you been?  This country has many people below the poverty line.  
Detroit is the poorest city in the US.  Even New York City is in the top 20 
poorest cities in the country.  See the full list below:

 The 20 Poorest Cities in the United States 
 The 20 Poorest Cities in the United States 
http://housely.com/news/20-poorest-cities-united-states/21/ You might be 
surprised to see which of the nation's biggest cities are also among the 
poorest, with the most residents living well below the poverty line.

 View on housely.com http://housely.com/news/20-poorest-cities-united-states/21/
 Preview by Yahoo 



--- <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 Not when it has already been bought and paid for. 

 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
   The clip encourages people to destroy the American way of life.  Believe it 
or not, the election process is not only stated in the Constitution, but it is 
also shown in the national jyotish chart.  The election process is the 
transformation aspect of the American karma which fuels its economic success in 
the domestic and international fronts.  Without it, the country will be 
destroyed just as the Iraqi people are destroying themselves in the quest for 
tribal and religious superiority.

 The election process looks like a waste of time.  But its a necessary 
transformation not only for the US government, but for any governments that 
follow democratic principles.

--- <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 Already not looking forward to the horror that awaits us on FFL as America 
enters into its Silly Season and spends literally billions of dollars on 
election horseshit instead of fixing its many problems, I thought I'd pass 
along the only honest election message I've ever seen from the Republican Party:

 The Young Turks | Facebook 

 The Young Turks | Facebook 
https://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks/videos/10152447162239205/ Please Don't 
Vote - A Message From The Republican Party h/t Rogue Kite Productions

 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo



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