LOL Ollie , you've got some things right. Others, you're off base. The last 
Republican won election, giving them the Senate and the House was supposed to 
guarantee stopping the Obama agenda, including Obamacare.  But it didn't. The 
Republican congress has given Obama just about everything that he has asked for 
without any resistance. This has angered the electorate that put them in office 
because they promised to stop his agenda. The excuse was, well... we also need 
the White House as well as the Congress and resisting Obama will only anger 
independents. Congress holds the purse strings. They don't have to fund 
anything Obama does, but they do. The only thing the Senate has stopped, is his 
nomination for a Supreme Court appointment. And they are using the *Biden* rule 
and what Chuck Schumer advocated when Bush may have had another possible 
nomination a year or so before the election. So what McConnell has done is with 
precedent set by Democrats.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
    The Republican leadership blew it Big Time with their obstructionist 
stance, demonstrated by not even considering a Supreme Court nominee from "the 
Black President", and, "We'll just wait for the election, nearly a year away".
Ha. It blew up in their faces like a cartoon firecracker. Made them look like a 
bunch of out of touch, overpaid dupes. Also helped usher in Trump, as he 
positions himself as Mr. Change, and these off-base attempts at pushing a 
radical right-wing and racist agenda in the Congress have sent their rating 
plummeting. Even the Koch brothers have drastically cut back on funding the 
politicians they have purchased.
This was a serious miscalculation from the Republican power elite, and they 
know it. As for the 'ideological' argument, sure, that exists, but Mitch and 
his pillowcase buddies show their hand by the radical extent to which they take 
their attempts to block the President, as evidenced by this latest circus over 
*the current Supreme Court vacancy*, willing to let it languish, holding up the 
most important judicial decisions made for this country, over some melanin. Wow.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Oh c'mon Ollie, Everyone knows the Democrats were the party of the Ku Klux 
Klan, Jim Crow and segregation. They were the party of William Fulbright, 
Robert Byrd, Al Gore sr., George Wallace, Lester Maddox etc. Most people don't 
know that more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights legislation than 
Democrats, that it would not have passed without those Republican votes 
Lincoln, who freed the slaves and gave them full citizenship, was a Republican, 
not a Democrat. President Eisenhower , who was a Republican, sent in federal 
troops to integrate Little Rock schools. 
C'mon Ollie, you know McConnell and the Republican party opposes Obama 
ideologically, not racially.

  From: "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
 LOL - Then Mitch and his buddies should have removed the pointy pillowcases 
from their heads, and acted like true representatives of this country, instead 
of racist goons afraid to trust a black man. They continue to obstruct the 
legitimate operation of the Federal government, and you want to blame Clinton, 
if she gets in? That's a new one.
---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.

  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?
Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs
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most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many German men have given 
up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins... |  |
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