Bull, Mike. Malicious falsehoods have always infuriated me. You know that 
perfectly well from having seen me go after Barry for his lies time after time, 
defending others as well as myself. 

 Nobody should "laugh off" the drek the NRA is accusing Hillary of planning, 
because there are just too many stupid and gullible people who will believe it. 
The NRA tried the same thing with Obama, but it seems like he's just not going 
to get around to disarming the citizenry. Of course, that was never his 
intention, and it's not Hillary's intention either.

 Hillary can nominate anybody she wants to the Supreme Court, even people who 
want to "revise" the Second Amendment, if she can find any. What she won't be 
able to do is get them confirmed. (You are aware Supreme Court nominees have to 
be confirmed by the Senate, right?) Nobody who's suspected of wanting to disarm 
Americans via reinterpreting the Second Amendment has the slightest chance of 
Senate confirmation. And that includes many if not most Democratic senators.

 The president doesn't have carte blanche to pack the Supreme Ccourt. The 
Constitution mandates a balance of powers. The most the president can do, by 
very carefully picking nominees that can be confirmed, is nudge the Court a 
little bit in a liberal direction.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Judy, you wouldn't be so infuriated if it were not true. The fact that you so 
vigorously defend her here is enough proof. If it were *garbage*, you'd laugh 
it off and not even bother to comment.
 You know that if she were elected that she would start off with at least one 
Supreme Court nomination. One that could reshape the Court to take more liberal 
stands, thus reshaping America. Chances are that there may be two r three more 
after Scalia is replaced, while she would be in office. She would have the 
potential to affect the Supreme Court for decades by stacking it so far to the 
left that any leftist agenda could be passed or upheld. This is what is at 
stake in this election, the make up of the Supreme Court. This is why even 
Republicans that hate Trump with a passion will vote for him and they will all 
be there whether they will admit it or not. The idea of Hillary stacking the 
Supreme Court is absolutely horrifying. 

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 1:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected
   This is dishonest garbage, Mike. Not the first from you, but some of the 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 C'mon Judy, you've been a die hard Hillary supporter for years. You're saying 
she couldn't do what I'm suggesting if  she wanted? Of course she couldn't 
impose an outright ban on guns but...

 She couldn't name Supreme Court Justice candidates if she were elected? 

 It's a vast, right-wing, conspiracy thing all over again?
 Are you still convinced that the FBI is not investigating *her* but only the 
security of her Server?
  C'mon Judy.

 You hold a crucifix up to Dracula's face and he cries out "Sacrilege"as he 
turns away from it ! You speak the obvious truth about Hillary and Judy freaks 
and denies it.

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   You've gone right over the edge, Mike. I don't "know" any such thing, and I 
have no need to "cover" for her, because you're spouting the most amazing 
paranoid rubbish. She couldn't do what you're suggesting even if she wanted to.

 What you're pushing is a filthy, dangerous conspiracy by the NRA and gun 
manufacturers and dealers to frighten stupid, gullible people into buying more 
guns "before it's too late."

 Disgusting and shameful.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 Not at all Judy and you know it. You're covering for her. She couldn't get 
elected if the average person knew that and you know that as well. It's no 
secret that the left wants American citizens disarmed. They keep trying to say 
that the second Amendment doesn't apply to citizens, that it applies to a *well 
regulated militia* that we don't need any more, that they were talking about 
muskets and muzzle loaders, not automatic and semi automatic weapons. They want 
us to be just like Europe and Australia. In fact they keep talking about how 
*more civilized* they are and they don't need guns.If you need protection, call 
a policeman.
 . They can't pass laws through legislation because nobody would vote for them, 
so they go the route of the courts.The problem they face is the Constitution 
and it's current interpretation by the majority of the Supreme Court. They want 
that changed to aid in creating a *gun free* society, like Europe and 
Australia. They use them as the standard.
  Hillary wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Hell of being elected to 
anything if she ever openly advocating such nonsense.
Democrats know the removal of gun rights must be done incrementally until they 
can stack the Supreme Court to completely re-interpret  the Second Amendment to 
achieve their goals. Gun laws, as they stand, are rarely enforced to their max. 
They want more and more laws which they can then claim, just didn't get the job 
done.So we have to go the more drastic route of a total gun ban.

Hey Ann... you want a total gun ban, don't you?

 From: "authfriend@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 9:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

   This is utter nonsense, Mike. It's malicious, deceptive NRA propaganda.



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 If Hillary is elected, she'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will redefine 
the Second Amendment of the Constitution that allows the people to be armed. We 
could end up totally disarmed at some point, and  at the mercy of thugs, as 
they are in Europe. Maharishi used to say, "if your neighbor can't be quiet out 
of love and respect, let him be quiet out  of fear."First Symposium on the 
Science of Creative Intelligence, Amherst Massachusetts, 1971.  However, the 
context was in relationship to Nuclear arms and nations, but works on an 
individual level as well.


 From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 6:11 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: This is Eggzactly why Trump will be elected

 Vote for Trump to avoid e.g. this?

Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs 
 Most Teens Afraid Of Young Arabs 
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German teen claims that most youth are afraid of Arabs and talks about why many 
German men have given up defending themselves, opting to wait for police ins...

 View on www.breitbart.com 
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