Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Judy: is this the same guy you used to debate with on amt?
on 5/6/06 5:16 PM, Sal Sunshine at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Curtis Mailloux...one of the truly great TM Nazis the TMO ever produced.  After he left the fold, he became as vehemently against as he had been pro before.  In his time, though , he was awesome.  He would regularly "report" people for the most minor TM infractions (such as wearing jeans to the Center--horrors!) as well   as  work on occasion to keep people off courses, TTC, etc.  You name it, he reported  it. Must have satisfied some primal urge for power, or something.  His defection really came as not much of a surprise...that level of stress most people just can't keep up for very long.  I've wondered over the years what became of him too.

My wife was a guest in his and his (now divorced) wife Laura’s house for a while after leaving Mother Divine. Curtis used to sleepwalk all over the house, sweeping things off tables and counters and cupboard shelves, and generally making a racket. This was when he was still in the movement.

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