--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > The practical question from all of this is: Do you believe that
> > > Sivananda's attributes that he used to "describe" jivanmukta,
> > > while neither comprehensive or definitive, was correct as far
> > > as it went?
> >
> > Yep.
> I would then ask further, have you ever met a person
> whom you consider to be a jivanmukta?
> If so, do you believe that this person or persons:
> 1. is omiscient?
> 2. has not a bit of self interest in him?
> 3. is absolutely free from worries, difficulties, troubles,
>    tribulations, sorrows, and anxieties under all circumstances?
> 4. is not a slave of his moods; is ever cheerful and peaceful?
> 5. is absolutely free from egoism, doubt, fear, and grief?
> 6. is able to clear any kind of doubt of aspirants?
> 7. makes no distinction between a rogue and a saint, gold and
>    stone, honour and dishonour?
> 8. spontaneously does only what is good?
> 9. is absolutely free from hatred, lust, cares, worries, and
>    anxieties?

> > > In
> > > other words, do you feel, Sivanada provided description of some
> > > attributes of jivanmukta that are not characteristic of
> >
> > Nope.
> So all of the qualities of jivanmukta listed above are
> accurate, and are found in all jivanmuktas?
> > > That is, was Sivananda mistaken in his attributes?
> >
> > Nope.
> I'm interested to hear your answer to my questions
> above, Jim.
> I've met and worked with a few people on this planet
> whom I would suspect of being enlightened, jivanmuktis.
> Not one of them had the characteristics I list above,
> characteristics that are taken directly from Sivananda's
> discourse. Therefore I cannot consider them definitive,
> or even accurate, across-the-board descriptions.
> Do you consider Maharishi enlightened, a jivanmukti?
> If so, do you feel he personifies all the characteristics
> I've listed above.
> Not arguing, just curious...

Hi, I am unsure why you are asking such, for the criterion for
recognizing such a Jivanmukta is clearly spelled out by the saint
"Only a Jivammukta can know a Jivanmukta."

This is something I completely embrace as true, and have said as
much on FFL recently. Beyond this are endless questions that imo are
not useful to answer.

What is your website url again please?

One point that is important to mention is that all that we see is
through the lens of our state of consciousness, so we will perceive
anyone/anything else according to our state of consciousness. Which,
as it changes, changes our perception.

This is important to recognize because it shifts our attention from
trying to distinguish pieces of knowledge through our shifting lens
of consciousness, to gaining a state of consciousness where all
knowledge is available, generally speaking.

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