TorquiseB writes snipped:
"What's next" is fairly obvious. One or more of these
pundit kids is going to make a break for it, and leave
the compound. What the TM movement *does* about that
will be interesting to see.

Tom T:
One of them decided he wanted to visit Vedic City a 2-3 mile walk
north of campus. Cars were seen dodging around this one walking north
on the yellow line. One of the locals driving a 10 wheeler stopped his
rig off the hiway, dragged the pundit off the highway to the edge of
the shoulder and turned him around and more or less pointed him in the
direction of campus and and indicated forcibly to get moving back
where he belonged. Also some of the pundits decided to go for an early
morning walk before their keepers were about and did the tour around
the ponds to the east of campus. Some of the faculty chuckled at the
whole thing.

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