In a message dated 1/9/07 4:25:37 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

I see  Iran's moves as purely defensive. They *know* Israel 
has nuclear weapons.  They have been called part of an axis of evil 
by the most powerful  militarist country in the world. So, now 
everything Iran does  geopolitically is seen as agression towards 
Israel and the US, when in  fact they are probably scared sh*tless, 
by the prospect of a military  strike against them, and have been for 
a long time. Why the US thinks it  appears at all reasonable, modern 
and sane when viewed from Iran is beyond  me.

I don't doubt that  you do see Iran's moves as purely defensive. Why  hasn't 
Syria done the same? Iran hasn't been called an axis of evil for  nothing. 
They have been a state sponsor of terrorism for decades as has Syria.  There 
not that many countries, European or Islamic, that would  characterize them 
any differently either. Yet everybody has been content to  negotiate with them 
while they, Iran, works desperately to develop nuclear  energy everybody knows 
they don't need but only want   for military  purposes. Nobody has posed a 
military threat to Syria and nobody has posed a  military threat to Iran until 
they started developing a nuclear program  and  repeatedly threatened to wipe 
Israel off the face of the earth. Not  only is Israel upset at the prospect of 
Iran trying to use nukes to destroy  them, but Sunni Muslim nations fear Iran 
trying to use nukes against them and  now are threatening to start their own 
programs in self defense against  Iran.  So in short, both Syria and Iran 
sponsor terrorism and call for the  destruction of Israel yet the world deals 
each differently because of  political posturing and Iran is hell bent of 
getting nukes with which they could  actually do it with.

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