--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/10/07 12:02:41 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
> Take a  chill pill. I sincerely doubt Iran would ever invade or 
> attack Israel. The  rhetoric from their prez is spun to make it 
> that way, but it ain't  gonna happen. As usual, the US is scaring 
> crap out of some country,  and when the country reacts, we say "Oh 
> they are getting ready for an  attack!". The only two countries in 
> the last ten years to invade other  countries are the US and 
> Yeah, I'll take a chill pill but you need a reality check. 
Hezzbola and  
> Hamas picked a fight with Israel this past summer who were 
supported directly by  
> Iran probably for the purpose of getting Iran and their nuclear 
program off  
> the front pages while the E 8 met in Moscow. No, Iran isn't going 
to  invade 
> Israel, not with an American army in between them and not when 
they  have their 
> proxy Hezzbola to do it for them.
I meant for Olmert to take the chill pill...

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