In a message dated 1/9/07 6:21:34 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

A nuke  is a nuke according to the various treaties. AND in the minds of most 
peole.  Even if 
they see an intellectual distinction, there's still the slippery  slope 
issue. If Israel can use it on 
Iran, what's to stop someone from  using it on Israel?

That's the whole point of why Israel may feel compelled to use them, to  keep 
Iran from having them so they can't use them. Had Iran not been a state  
sponsor of terrorism for decades especially against Israel and supporting  
finance, military training and weaponry of Hamas and instigated the  last 
war, Iran could be viewed in a whole different light when it came to  nuclear 
energy. Iran has no beef with Israel, so why do they repeatedly threaten  them?

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