Well this was my second time trying, we warmed up the food and I decide to use my finger, It was so awful, we spoke our usual baby talk and I also warmed up the food a little, you would think we were trying to poison him, he reacted so badly. His stress level must be going through the roof by now. Hubby tried also only this time I held him, but as soon as he tried to open his mouth a little he started to gag. Oh I wish he could understand that we are trying to help him.

This is just breaking my heart.

<BLOCKQUOTE style='PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #A0C6E5 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px'><font style='FONT-SIZE:11px;FONT-FAMILY:tahoma,sans-serif'><hr color=#A0C6E5 size=1> From: <i>Belinda Sauro &lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;</i><br>Reply-To: <i>felvtalk@felineleukemia.org</i><br>To: <i>felvtalk@felineleukemia.org</i><br>Subject: <i>Re: Hi Belinda......</i><br>Date: <i>Tue, 30 Aug 2005 19:44:15 -0700</i><br>&gt; Syringe feeding can be stressful, Buddie my cat hated it, I <br>&gt;ended up getting her a feeding tube and she did great with that. <br>&gt;The main thing with syringe feeding is get relaxed and calm, talk to <br>&gt;your kitty and explain you are trying to help get him feeling <br>&gt;better, that witout food he will feel worse and worse. The pick a <br>&gt;place that is comfortable and use it all the time, that way kitty <br>&gt;will know that is what is going to happen when you pick him up and <br>&gt;go there.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;If possible a try the couch and try sitting so that kitty is <br>&gt;positioned with his back end backed into the corner of the arm, you <br>&gt;on one side kitty in the middle and the couch arm on the other side. <br>&gt; Then pet and calmly talk to him and let him know what you are <br>&gt;going to do, and then calmly put the syringe in the side of his <br>&gt;mouth and give a small amount of food, wait a half minute or so and <br>&gt;give more. If syringing is really stressful, putting the food on <br>&gt;your finger and offering that way is fine, it may take alittle <br>&gt;longer but if it works go with that. Or I know someone that put the <br>&gt;food on a spoon and actually spoon fed their cat.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Before Buddie got sick enough for the tube she had quite eating one <br>&gt;other time and I would put some food in a bowl and would hold the <br>&gt;bowl in front of her, I told her if she didn't eat on her own I <br>&gt;would have to syringe feed her, she would take a few bites and I <br>&gt;would offer her food every 15 minutes, it took me almost 3 weeks to <br>&gt;get her eating normal again. Later when se got very sick with a <br>&gt;sepsis infection I had to get the tube, it saved her life and she <br>&gt;really loved getting fed that way, she would run to the couch and <br>&gt;wait for me when she heard me getting her tube syringes ready. She <br>&gt;purred through the whole feeding then promply plopped over and took <br>&gt;a nap, she wasn't happy when I was weaning her off the tube.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;The main thing is stay calm and you may try warming the food up, <br>&gt;some kitties can smell it better when it is warmed and will eat it <br>&gt;then. Prayers that things will go much better next time you try.<br>&gt;<br>&gt;--<br>&gt;Belinda<br>&gt;Happiness is being owned by cats ...<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Be-Mi-Kitties ...<br>&gt;http://www.bemikitties.com<br>&gt;<br>&gt;Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens<br>&gt;http://adopt.bemikitties.com<br>&gt;<br>&gt;FeLV Candle Light Service<br>&gt;http://www.bemikitties.com/cls<br>&gt;<br>&gt;HostDesign4U.com (affordable hosting &amp; web design)<br>&gt;http://HostDesign4U.com<br>&gt;<br>&gt;-----------<br>&gt;<br>&gt;BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)<br>&gt;http://bmk.bemikitties.com<br>&gt;<br>&gt;<br></font></BLOCKQUOTE>

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