I am new to this list.  I found out a week ago that a
kitten (Smokey) I had taken in back in November is
positive.  I had him tested back in November and it
was negative, but he kept on getting fevers and the
vet did blood work.  He was anemic and his red and
white blood cell count was low.  The vet decided to
check him again for feline leukemia and this test was
positive.  I just got him from the vet yesterday
because he had been there for a fever again.  He is on
Pet Tinic, Baytril, Clavamox and last night I started
him on Interferon.  Is there anything else I can do? 
His temp. is normal right now.  I have other cats that
he had been aroung but they are adults and have been
vacinated every year of their life.  I had them all
retested last week and all were negative but I will
have them retested in 3 months.  I have never had a
cat that was positive, so I am pretty upset.  I worry
about Smokey and if he is suffering and I also worry
about my other cats.  I have him separated from the
other cats.  I want to keep him and just keep him away
from my other cats but if he gets a fever again my vet
seems to think that we have done all we can do for
him.  I DON'T want to have him put to sleep but I just
don't know what to do now.  Any advice would be
greatly appreciated.


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