I just read this post. Definitely try Immuno-Regulin.
In a message dated 10/16/2006 8:29:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hi everyone

This is a great group. I am waiting until I can see the vet this morning.
Junior who tested positive  for Felv 10/6/06 is now running a fever of
106.7. I am scared and I feel so helpless.
  I lost one cat less than two weeks ago. He crashed at the vet's office.
He was never tested but I am sure this virus had something to do with it.
My Nerves are shot. Please pray for junior. I do not know how the vet is
with treating these FeLV cats. I was planning on seeing my usual vet but
they weren't sure how soon they could see junior. I did not sleep well last
night. as I knew he wasn't feeling well.

I will let you know tonight.

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