Hi Jennifer,
Technically most state laws govern that a cat has to have rabies shots. I'd check your county/state laws to make sure. You can, however, get away with not giving them rabies shots if they are not licensed. I don't think I've ever heard of states requiring you to give distemper. If Midnight isn't licensed, then it is your vet that is insisting on it. Vaccines are a judgement call. You have to weigh the protection against the stress it might cause. You mentioned that Midnight has already had a fever, the fact that he's already been sick might influence you. I usually have my cats inoculated only for the first series. I don't do the yearly, or every 3 yr follow ups. There is a great deal of debate about whether they are necessary. You can always run a titer (using a blood test), to determine if the cat still has sufficient antibodies needed to protect him against the individual diseases. At any rate, don't get his shots at the same time you do his neuter. Neutering is something that I personally think is worth the risk. Surgery and anesthesia is certainly stressful, but so is being intact. Not being neutered, besides the pleasant side effect of inappropriate urination, and possibly adding to the overpopulation burden, will cause Midnight to want to escape your house to go "catting around". It also makes them more aggressive toward other cats and he could get into fights, or mate with sick girlfriends etc. etc. Tell your vet the reasons for your concern about having him vaccinated and if he still insists on it, (and if you decide not to do it), find a different vet. Recently Phaewrn started a thread about the safest procedures for surgery. Using gas instead of injectables, running IV fluids during surgery, etc. Take a look at the precautions suggested and talk to your vet about those too. Whenever any of my guys goes in for surgery, (pos and neg), I insist on bringing them home afterward esp if the clinic doesn't have round the clock care. I don't know how hectic your household is, I remember you saying you have kids :), but I feel like I can keep a more watchful eye on my guys than anybody else while they recover. If the worst happens, I can always run them to the 24 hour er.

Just my 2 cents.  Hugs to you and Midnight,

Jennifer Madon wrote:
Thanks to everyone for your advice. From what I have read, I think that he is not spraying. Maybe marking (thank God he hasn't felt the need to claim me!) or peeing but not spraying. I called the vet about having him neutered and they said he has to have a rabies shot and distemper. I am not sure how I feel about this. He is not going out so I hate to give him anything he won't need. They didn't gibe him these shots the last time he was there because of his fever. Guess I have to do it though. Thanks again to everyone.

My Doobie cat started that... I woke up in the middle of the night warm and wet, he had PEED on ME in my bed! He got neutered the next day! He has NEVER gone outside the
box since. In his case, it was a marking behavior.

That being said, spraying is when they back up to something and are standing with their tail raised, and spraying urine out behind them on a vertical surface (the tail usually shakes when they do it). Peeing is when they squat. Both can be marking behaviors, not necessarily health problems. 8-9-10 months is that age where problems
often begin, as he's going through puberty at that age.


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